Shepherd of the White Herd

The direct connection to the Tree mother Kishar, the patron deity of the forests of Galfin.
  Member of the Cathedral Treants
  ~3500 year cycle Pre 5E 187
  • Yewclaw
  • Pre 5E 187
  • a small treecreeper bird landed on the wolf like ent as it died, taking in the last ounce of Cathedral Ent aura.

      This Cathedral Ent is a serene and peaceful presence, with a gentle aura that radiates from its being. It is said to be the direct connection to the Tree Mother Kishar, and is responsible for guiding and protecting the sacred white deer that roam the forest. Its antlers are adorned with intricate carvings and its eyes gleam with the wisdom of ages.
    Length of Term
    3500 years
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