Zoa - Region

Zoa is a rugged and diverse region, with a landscape as varied as its people. It is a land of snow and ice, of jagged mountains and deep valleys, of dense forests and frozen tundra. The Zoans are a hardy people, toughened by the unforgiving climate, who worship the god Dhara, the Liberator.
  In Zoa, the settlements are often clustered around ports, which are the lifeblood of the region's economy, connecting its people to the wider world. Many of these settlements are built on cliffs overlooking the sea, and the rugged coastline is dotted with lighthouses and watchtowers that guard against invasion.
  Despite the harshness of the land, the Zoans have a deep appreciation for beauty, and their settlements are often adorned with art, music, and dance. The region is also home to a number of guilds, where artisans and tradespeople gather to share their knowledge and improve their craft.
  Throughout Zoa, there is a sense of mystery and magic, as if the land itself is imbued with a supernatural power. Whether it is the hot springs and geysers that provide warmth and energy, the enchanted animals that serve as messengers and transportation, or the ancient tomes and maps in the libraries, there is always a sense that something wondrous is just beyond the horizon.
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