The Coronation of Highqueen Ella Skytracer

Political event


Ella Skytracer defeated the Purple Curtain, the attempted coup by the Windlsayer and Oakhand families. Ella brought the lesser elemental elves out of hiding and awarded them their land and homes back if the Cinderlord, Rootmother and Granitayor of the Fire, Wood and Terra elves respectively each pledged to help the Plainsqueen defeat the uprising. Ella was honoured with the title of Highqueen, one ruler who would govern the out of border issues of the other 5 families. The Windslayers had much of their land reduced as punishment. The Oakhand's refused to give up, spending many resources on their war effort. Once they finally surrendered, Ella gave the Oakhand's ownership of just one mountain where their capitol rested. The Oakhand's were also heavily taxed after the battle, many people believe their poor economy was what led to the Fogholt Plague spreading across Galfin.

Related timelines & articles
Skytracer Lineage
The Chronicle