Skytracer Lineage

  • 587 BHM

    Birth of Beowulf Skytracer
    Life, Birth
    Additional timelines
  • 570 BHM

    560 BHM

    Dragon Wars
    Military action

    The Onyx Elves sought not to kill themselves ending the dragon rule. They gathered their best Gaulan soldiers to band together with some of their best elf hunters. The fire elves of the Firefang Jags were especially adept at hunting dragonkin because of their immunity to fire. Dhara gave each of the men an item crafted by his magic hands to help the humans survive. Igni the Cinderlord of the Fire Elves rode a phoenix into battle against the large reptilian beasts. Dhara gave Beowulf Skytracer the Valauric Blade, Adonis Oakhand the Essence Engine, Ivoris Windslayer the Finite Lance, Ghinan Rhytyn the Ancestral Ink, Silenon Boggan the Sylvan Rings and Oceanus Tempest the Imperius Trident. This team of dragon slayers travelled together for 10 years and slayed many dragons across Galfin.

    Additional timelines
  • 570 BHM

    Dragon Awakening
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Onyx elves had pushed too far as they struck down freedom during their rule. The deity of Order and Chaos, a large dragon known as Synapsid, enacted his judgement. He awoke his dragon brethren to read havoc upon the known world. Dragons are agents of Chaos and caused disruption within the Onyx Elf settlements.

    Additional timelines
  • 560 BHM

    Slaying of Synapsid
    Celestial / Cosmic

    At the end of the war, many dragons ran and slumbered in the earth. Only Synapsid in physical form remained at the sight where he commanded the dragons. He sat atop what is now known as the Garroter’s Edge near Emberstreak. The heroes and their elves partners fought bravely against the powerful Synapsid who at this point was half white half black coloured. When the war first started a and Synapsid showed himself, he was pure black. Synapsid blew apart part of the mountain, leaving a crater to what would become the fire elf capitol city, The elves were blasted into the depths when he caused this destruction and only the 6 gaulans remained. The Cinderlord’s phoenix was unable to handle the large dragon. The gaulans worked together to defeat the god with Ivoris Windslayer leaping off a cliff and piercing the hearth of Synapsid with the Finite Lance, later referred to as the Dragonlance. Synapsid exploded in a bright black and white flame as his carcass fell to the depths of the Firefang Jags.

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  • 556 BHM

    The Liberation of Galfin

    6 Gaulans (Old word for Human as the Mainland was called Gauldur) lead the armies of man to defeat the elves and claim territory for the free men. These 6 were guided and led by the Northern Warrior, Dhara. Dhara was stricken down in the final days of the war at a meeting of the Onyx elven lords and the lesser elemental elves forces to fight for them. This meeting of the elf elders was meant to end the conflict. Dhara's death led the Gaulans to rally together and crush the remaining Onyx elves living in Snowpeak.   Human began to be used instead of Gaulan as it was an ancient Elf word.

    Additional timelines
  • 342 BHM

    Marlee Skytracer
    Life, Birth

  • 326 BHM

    Beowulf Skytracer
    Life, Death

  • 287 BHM

    Amauri Skytracer Birth
    Life, Birth

  • 254 BHM

    Marlee Skytracer Death
    Life, Death

  • 234 BHM

    Dharan-Voidal War
    Military action

    After the Liberation of Galfin, The Dharan religion spiked as the fallen soldier who ascended became a very popular deity to worship on the mainland. One of the oldest religions, who most thought was archaic in their beliefs stood adamantly against the militarist Dharans. A war ensued where most of the Voidal followers were killed or converted to the worship of Dhara. The only true pocket of Voidal belief lives on Steelgale with the Burlock people.     the southern continent of Steelgale has had an ongoing struggle for a few decades where there is a religious war happening. Dharan religion is being forced onto the southern burlock of Steelgale. The Emperor of Iron converted many decades ago alongside the northern burlock people and there has been constant wars between the Dharan crusades against the Gathering of the Void (worship Danara the void mother)

    Additional timelines
  • 165 BHM

    Amauri Skytracer Death
    Life, Death

  • 121 BHM

    Fredericus Skytracer Birth
    Life, Birth

  • 93 BHM

    Sal Birth
    Life, Birth

  • 47 BHM

    Sadie Birth
    Life, Birth

  • 35 BHM

    Fredericus Death
    Life, Death

  • 17 BHM

    Ella Birth
    Life, Birth

  • 5 BHM

    Sadie Death
    Life, Death

  • 4 BHM

    1 BHM


    The Windslayer-Oakhand Betrayal / The Purple Curtain
    Political event

    Oakhand and Windslayer families broke the peace agreement to the other 4 royal bloodlines and attempted a coup. This event was the first major bloodshed between the 6 Monarch families since the formation 555 years before.   During the wars, Oakhand used the Phylactery to destroy Ella’s ancestral Valauric Blade. Boggan’s hand was cut off while fighting at sea against Windslayer, his Sylvan Rings were lost to the ocean currents. The Phylactery was taken from the Oakhand’s after the war and sent to Pacuran. A storm rolled in a a lightning strike caused the Phylactery to detonate, sinking to the bottom of the ocean as well.

    Additional timelines
  • 3 BHM

    Sal Death
    Life, Death

  • 0 BHM

    The Coronation of Highqueen Ella Skytracer
    Political event

    Ella Skytracer defeated the Purple Curtain, the attempted coup by the Windlsayer and Oakhand families. Ella brought the lesser elemental elves out of hiding and awarded them their land and homes back if the Cinderlord, Rootmother and Granitayor of the Fire, Wood and Terra elves respectively each pledged to help the Plainsqueen defeat the uprising. Ella was honoured with the title of Highqueen, one ruler who would govern the out of border issues of the other 5 families. The Windslayers had much of their land reduced as punishment. The Oakhand's refused to give up, spending many resources on their war effort. Once they finally surrendered, Ella gave the Oakhand's ownership of just one mountain where their capitol rested. The Oakhand's were also heavily taxed after the battle, many people believe their poor economy was what led to the Fogholt Plague spreading across Galfin.

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  • 7 AHM

    163 AHM

    Fogholt Plague
    Plague / Epidemic

    Deadly plague that originated in Fogholt and lasted decades, killings millions.   A deadly plague began to infect people coming from the town of Fogholt. Many believe that the dark necromancy the Mountainking Deacon Oakhand was meddling with led to the plague spreading through miscreants taking yandu from the base of the mountain. The disease caused tumours to grow as your body slowly eats away at itself trying to survive. The skin turns grey as the eyes begin to yellow and glaze over. A common misnomer for the infected was that they were "foggies". The only treatment at first was killing the infected and burning the bodies. The lengthy plague was able to be slowed with medicines and proper quarantine procedures over the years but it was always a constant threat on the people of Galfin's minds. Countless lives were lost to this deadly plague that originated out of Fogholt. The entire Oakhand family and every person in the mountain died very early into the era of sickness known as the Black Fog.

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  • 28 AHM

    Renfred Birth
    Life, Birth

  • 70 AHM

    Ella Death
    Life, Death

  • 78 AHM

    Hector Skytracer
    Life, Birth
    Additional timelines
  • 79 AHM

    Ahna Birth
    Life, Birth

  • 81 AHM

    Armadi Life
    Life, Birth

  • 125 AHM

    Renfred Death
    Life, Death

  • 135 AHM

    5 Firstfrost

    Orion Skytracer
    Life, Birth

    Highking Hector has his second child Orion.

    Additional timelines
  • 139 AHM

    Mortimer Skytracer
    Life, Birth
  • 144 AHM

    Ruby Skytracer
    Life, Death

    During a storm surge, Nikolas Heartstring let Ruby out of his sight while he tried to grab Mortimer. She was swept away and killed by the storm

  • 144 AHM

    1 Aridheat

    Sacking of The Captain

    Sir Nikolas is fired as Captain of the High Guard after the death of the young Ruby Skytracer.

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  • 152 AHM

    Mortimer Skytracer Disowned
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    Mortimer was disowned from his royal bloodline after his father caught him running off with a wood elf. His name was stricken from any royal record. Hector and his third child already had a turmultous relationship as Mortimer acted out, stole, led local gangs into revolt, incited violence and generally spent his teenage years causing anguish to his father.

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  • 155 AHM

    Necromancy's End
    Political event

    A young Boto Silverstaff fought and defeated the thought-to-be most powerful warlock in Galfin. The Necromancer Kronimane had his illicit activities and following shut down by the young adept. This led Highking Hector Skytracer to ban all forms of Necromancy in Galfin.

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  • 157 AHM

    Coronation of Highking Orion Skytracer
    Political event

    Orion Skytracer succeeds his father Hector as Highking of Galfin. His father was on his deathbed succumbing to the stagnant repercussion of being afflicted during the Black Fog.

    Additional timelines
  • 158 AHM

    Hector “Fortcrusher” Skytracer
    Life, Death

    Hector watched from his bedroom as his last child was crowned Highking. He then fought strongly until the next year until the remaining Fogholt Plague symptoms took his life. He died surrounded by his family and soldiers.

    Additional timelines
  • 163 AHM

    End of the Black Fog
    Discovery, Exploration

    In the year 163 of the 5E, two young brothers travelled into the poisoned city of Fogholt with a woman who was a historical expert on the layout of the city. Boto and Remus Silverstaff as well as their guide Alma of Clarion used the Silverstaff's late father theories to make their way into the tiered city and find the source of the plague. They avoided cursed spirits as they sneaked around. Inside they found an ancient artifact of evil machinations was planted within the lowest tier of the city to spread the plague around the commoners. The brothers combined their magical knowledge to deactivate the device and reverse engineer the magic it used to find a cure for the Plague 135 years after it began

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  • 194 AHM

    17 Coolbreeze

    Battle of Snowpeak
    Military action

    A contingent of warriors affiliated with and hired by the Dharan Church marched on the nomadic frost elves and killed most of the species. The propaganda machine spun this as a victory as the frost elves were threatening eradication of man and a repeat of the Onyx Era. Years later, mostly thanks to a lone frost elf named Einar and the former Captain of the High Guard Nikolas Heartsting, the church's lies were exposed. It was a Dharan prophet who saw a frost elf bring down the entirety of the Church of Dhara. Their actions at what is now called the Genocide of Snowpeak led to the eventual destruction of the Church. Dhara is still worshipped but the militaristic powerhouse is no longer in control of Skygarde.   [In the beginning of time, elves ruled over man. They used the neanderthalic human as workers and labor. As millenia passed the humans began to become smarter and gained a sense of free will. In a time closer to today, the humans revolted against the elf overlords and sent them running to the ends of the realm. Humans then took over and enough time passed that the elves stayed hidden away and the humans populated Galfin. In current days, men were spread out as were the elves. Elves had come out of hiding and started to mix with the civilizations estalished. Things were looking up for the long hindered relationship between the two most populous races in Galfin. The Battle of Snowpeak changed this. As the fire elves came out from the mountains, as the wood elves came out of the forests, as the black sun elves empowered their way to comtrol of Dynastes, as the terra elves came out of their holes; Snowpeak happened. The frost elves were wiped out in a genocidal attack led by the Church of Dhara. The people of the religion were told that a prophey would be fulfilled and the frost elves would end destroy the world. People believed this but the soldiers that took part knew that that was not the case. The frost elves didn't even fight back, they were simple folk living in the snow, completely unprotected. Soldiers from all recruited races: man, giants, ogre and other took place in the battle. It was labelled the moment when man stepped too far. This event led all elves to be much more weary of the armies of man. It would take time for this fear to settle. Decades passed and the elves that alrready mixed with humans forgave them, some elves, such as the fire and wood elves became even more recluse, even to their elven bretheren. Yacobius Hrothgar and his comrades led the genocide. The 5 heroes of Snowpeak, greeted home with honors and medals were Sir Belaruus, Grergolf Oxsilk, Dru-Naz'Eet, Muggs and Yacobius Hrothgar. The Church of Dhara is the most widelt accepted relgion between the humans. Dhara was the messiah that led the men in their revolt of their elf overlords. Dhara died at the end of the revolution and ascended to godhood, becoming a martyr for man to continue controlling Galfin. With a militaristic way of living, passed down by the conventions of the great revolt, the Church started converting as many men as possible to their religion. There are currently amny provinces that the church has had such an impact on that they are considered mostly of the Dharan religion. They're are people who worship other gods but they are usually looked odd upon. The Great Plateau and Steelgale are the major provinces that are considered Dharan. The church declared war war on the frost elves because they were apparently the most violent and viotile of all the elves. After the Battle of Snowpeak, the other elves recieved the message that man was not to be trifled with.]