Myth of Moradin's Blessing Ale


There was a time, long forgotten, when the Dwarves did not possess the grand beards they are famed for today.   In those early days, the Dwarves’ beards were short and plain, a mere shadow of what they would become. They were proud of their craftsmanship and their ale, but they longed for a symbol that would distinguish them from all other races. Dolkin Greybeard, the first king of the Klopic Empire, was particularly troubled by this. He sought a way to bring his people a mark of honor and pride.   One night, as King Dolkin sat in the Great Hall of Tundradst, sipping from his goblet of ale, he pondered deeply on how to achieve this. Unbeknownst to him, he was being watched by Moradin, the Dwarven god of creation and craftsmanship. Moradin, moved by the king's devotion to his people and his longing for a symbol of pride, decided to bestow a gift upon the Dwarves.   In a vision, Moradin appeared before King Dolkin. The god spoke in a voice that rumbled like the deep earth itself: "Dolkin, faithful king of the Dwarves, your heart is true, and your love for your people is pure. I shall grant you a boon. From this day forth, the ale brewed by your hands shall possess a magical property. It will not only bring joy and courage but also cause your beards to grow long and strong, a testament to your lineage and honor."   Awed and humbled, King Dolkin vowed to spread the word and ensure that the brewing of ale would be a revered craft among his people. The next morning, he gathered the finest brewers of Draymar and recounted his divine vision. They set to work immediately, brewing the first batch of what would come to be known as "Moradin's Blessing."   As the Dwarves drank the sacred ale, they felt a warm tingling sensation spread through their bodies. To their amazement, their beards began to grow, flowing longer and thicker with every sip. The short and plain beards transformed into magnificent, flowing manes, rich with texture and sheen.   Word of the miracle spread quickly throughout Draymar and beyond. Dwarves from all corners of Galmora journeyed to Tundradst to taste the blessed ale and grow their beards in honor of Moradin. The tradition of brewing and drinking ale became a sacred rite, with each sip a reminder of their god's favor and their king's devotion.   To this day, the Dwarves of Draymar raise their mugs in gratitude, knowing that their magnificent beards are a gift from Moradin, brought forth by the love of their king and the power of their sacred ale. And so, the legend of the Ale-Beards lives on, a symbol of Dwarven pride, craftsmanship, and the enduring bond between the Dwarves and their gods.

Historical Basis

The Era of King Dolkin Greybeard

The myth is centered around King Dolkin Greybeard, the first king of the Klopic Empire. Historical records indicate that Dolkin Greybeard was a real figure who reigned during a period of unification and prosperity for the Dwarves. He was renowned for his leadership, wisdom, and devotion to his people. Under his rule, the Dwarves of Draymar established their cultural and economic foundations, including the art of brewing ale.   The Transformation of Beards The transformation of beards described in the myth may have a historical basis in a cultural shift among the Dwarves. Historical texts suggest that during King Dolkin’s reign, there was a significant cultural emphasis on personal grooming and appearance, particularly regarding beards. Beards were seen as symbols of wisdom, strength, and honor. The sudden change in beard length and quality could have been a societal trend that was later attributed to divine influence in the myth.
Date of First Recording
7th of Melodia, 823 CE
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