The Celestial Concord: Establishing The Great Garden Document in Galmora | World Anvil

The Celestial Concord: Establishing The Great Garden


The Celestial Concord is a revered document in Galmora that not only introduced the concept of The Great Garden but also laid the foundation for understanding the celestial and magical balance that governs the world. It is considered one of the most significant texts in Galmoran history, shaping the philosophical, religious, and magical practices of its inhabitants.  


Author: Archmage Arion, a legendary figure known for his profound knowledge of magic and the cosmos. Date: Approximately 500 years ago, during a time of great turmoil and magical imbalance in Galmora. Purpose: To provide a unifying theory of the world's magical structure and offer guidance on maintaining harmony between the realms and the schools of magic.


The Celestial Concord provided a unified framework for understanding magic and the cosmos, leading to the establishment of new religious orders and philosophical schools. The document spurred a new era of research into the nature of the moons, magic, and the Great Garden, leading to numerous discoveries and advancements.

Document Structure


The Great Garden:

Described as the focal point of Galmora's cosmology, floating in the middle of the Astral Sea. Contains the Tree of Creation at its center, from which all life and magic flow. Home to eight magical fountains, each linked to one of Galmora's moons and a corresponding school of magic.  

The Eight Moons and Schools of Magic:

Each moon is linked to a school of magic and imbued with a specific color, guiding the practice and understanding of that magic. Aetherius (Pale Yellow): Abjuration, Ignis (Crimson Red): Evocation, Anima (Violet): Conjuration, Oblivion (Cold Black): Necromancy, Melodia (Sage): Enchantment, Fantasia (Multicolored, Ever-Shifting): Illusion, Metamorphosis (Denim Blue): Transmutation, and Astraea (Half Bright White, Half Golden): Divination and Chronurgy  

Cosmological Balance:

Emphasized the importance of balance between the realms and the schools of magic. Warned of the dangers of magical imbalance, which could lead to catastrophic events like the Shadow Blight. Advocated for the maintenance of harmony through rituals, cooperation among magical practitioners, and respect for the natural and magical world.   The Role of the Astral Sea Elves: Introduced the idea of the Astral Sea Elves as guardians of the Great Garden. Described their special connections to the moons and their role in maintaining the magical balance of Galmora.

Publication Status

You can find The Celestial Concord in almost any library or scholars study. This book is a staple in many of the arcane magic practioners teachings as well as those of divine persuasion.

Historical Details

Public Reaction

The Celestial Concord remains a cornerstone of Galmoran culture and knowledge, its teachings continuing to influence the lives and practices of its people. Its introduction of The Great Garden and the celestial structure of Galmora has provided a lasting legacy, guiding the world towards a more harmonious and balanced existence and better understanding of the cosmo's.
Manuscript, Historical


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