BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Euphemia Kettlewhistle

As the cook of The Last Resort, Euphemia has kept the crew and officers nourished with her alchemically sourced meals. She's "best friends" with Drauz.   Born to a poor halfling family in Leefside, Euphemia learned from her mother how to make the most out of limited ingredients. Once Euphemia turned 18 she set out to make her fortune. She promptly got lost and was discovered by a tribe of lizard folk. The lizard folk promptly began preparations to eat her. While bound, Euphemia watched them assemble various herbs and spices. She politely pointed out that the flavor combinations were all wrong. Flabbergasted, the lizard folk asked her to cook them something.  Euphemia caught and cooked the most sumptuous rabbit they had ever eaten. But that wasn't quite enough, after all, a halfling is much more meat than a rabbit.  As they resumed preparations, Euphemia pointed out that there were quite a lot of lizard folk. Would there even be enough of her? What if she could get them much more meat? She told them that she could help them feast upon the town of Leefside.  A town with minimal protection and no walls. Naturally skeptical, the lizard folk saw that as too big a threat.  Except for a brash young lizard folk named Drauz.  Drauz argued that they hadn't had full stomachs for a while now, and if the halfling could give them a large easy meal, they should let her try.  "How do?" Drauz asked.  Euphemia explained that she would drug the guards, leaving the lizard folk unopposed.  That night, when the lizard folk attacked, the "sleeping" guards sprung into battle. Some lizard folk were slain, most escaped, but Drauz was taken alive.   Euphemia created an alchemical brew designed to stimulate empathy. But something went wrong and Euphemia and Drauz became emotionally linked.  Drauz began to feel Euphemia's kindness and empathy, and Euphemia began to feel more detached. Horrified at this and realizing the rather unethical implications of the brew in the first place, Euphemia decided to travel Perilia with Drauz.   Euphemia and Drauz would go on to become to the cook and surgeon of The Last Resort.


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