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20th-21st of Shadegro Session 30

General Summary

20th of Shadegro

Kevhsa came back from the Bar of the Vanishing Door, and passed the verification ritual. The Salacious Saltwater Sea Sprinter was able to safely approach Stormtop Island and reunite Sirocco with the crew of the Last Resort. The Last Resort was badly damaged, and with the repair materials that the D4 brought with them, it would take two weeks to fully repair The Last Resort, but only one week to get her sea-worthy. Stormtop Island is home to a tribe of lizard folk and The Last Resort had offended a smaller group of them. The consensus was to do the shorter repairs and finish the work at a safer island.  

Tale of the Last Resort

Syvis told the D4 the what had happened to them in the pastThe storm and an attack by a monster with a tentacle face had completely destroyed both the sails and the oars, forcing the ship to drift along the current to Stormtop Island, By the time The Last Resort made it to Stormtop, half the crew had been lost. After being wrecked upon the beach of Stormtop, the remaining crew began to forage for food, water, and raw materials to repair the ship. This drew the attention of the local lizard folk tribe. The lizard folk seemed willing to let the Last Resort harvest material from the outskirts of the jungle, but a revolutionary sect took great offense that anything was being taken from their jungle. These lizard folk have been attacking the Last Resort and taking back the resources taken. This has further thinned the numbers of the crew and delayed repairs.  

21st of Shadegro

Sirocco discovered a bunch of books in the hold of S4, including a familiar spellbook…. Sirocco knew they couldn't get a truthful answer from Kevhsa, so they asked Gurdis. She promptly blushed, opened her mouth, and then ran away. Before Sirocco could piece together where these books could have possibly came from, Kevhsa had suddenly tied Siro’s hands, blown them a kiss, and strolled away from the stunned air genasi. Once Sirocco got their wits about them, they joined Kevhsa and Gurdis on the beach to discuss the D4’s next move. Kevhsa proposed using the magical self propagating acorns they got from the Hag’s cottage. The D4 did some testing and learned that only magical fire would destroy the acorns. They also formulated a strategy to air drop the acorns behind the temple. While it would likely be effective, it was pre-emptive, and the D4 had no real proof that the lizard folk were preparing to attack en masse. So the team got Syvis to make the D4 invisible and began scouting into the lizard folk’s territory. About 500 feet out from the lizard folk settlement, the D4 came across a lizard folk guard, who began to hint that he could smell them… Then he started to investigate the boot prints. Sirocco broke their invisibility first, casting a second level Sleep spell on the guard. 21 out of a possible 56. Not enough. Seeing Siro’s failure, Gurdis cast Suggestion, compelling the lizard folk to act as if he had not seen us. Or at least it would have compelled him if he could understand what she was saying. It was at this point we realized… They don’t speak common. Kevhsa tried to save the day with a timely charm person spell, but the lizard folk just barely managed to beat the wisdom save. Siro used Web to restrain the lizard folk, and Gurdis unleashed the most terrifying Inflict Wounds with a Critical Hit. She grasped the lizard folk by the throat and disintegrated him from the neck up. The guard was thoroughly dead, but three of the D4 had lost their invisibility. Blade remained invisible, and began to scout deeper into the lizard folk buildings. Blade was moderately successful, but was unable to get to the heart of the settlement. Fearing the end of the Invisibility, Blade retreated back to the D4 with two lizard folk trailing behind. They were dispatched easily, but at great resource cost to Siro. It was at this point that the topic of the Acorn Plan was revisited. Arguing for it, Kevhsa buried several of the acorns and the D4 retreated back to the beach. Fortunately for the moral alignment of the group, the trees didn’t have much room to multiply and wreak havoc on the lizard folk settlement. Once the adrenaline wore off, the party started to question the morality of their actions. Like most situations the D4 find themselves in, it was decidedly gray. The violent sect had killed crew members of the Last Resort, and now D4 has made an obvious attack. Kevhsa surrendered the magical acorns and informed Captain Darby about what had happened. Sirocco gave the last of their paper to Kevhsa so they could learn the Alarm spell, and then Sirocco went off with Gurdis to set up some alarms of their own.   The party has stumbled into the proverbial hornet’s nest, and while they managed to escape unstung , it is uncertain if they have made things better or worse.   *The Session ended with the party inside the Tiny Hut without a watch order set.*
Report Date
26 Apr 2023
Primary Location


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