Morpheme: Flying Linguistic Action


Morpheme is an educational game with the aesthetic of a Sci-fi space shooter. Morpheme is owned by Maurice designs. It was created as a modern form of old 90’s education games like Math Blaster, Reader Rabbit, and Putt-Putt travels through time. Morpheme was designed to focus on spelling and vocabulary words for kids. It would have various world stages with pre-made vocabulary lists for grades kindergarten through sixth.  

Project Design Goals

This project was initially created to help facilitate learning in an upcoming technological age where computer games and apps were being more widely accepted as a form of education. To achieve this we focused on implementing the entire english dictionary in our free play mode and grade appropriate lists and words in our objective modes with the option to select certain vocabulary words to better practice with.  


Detailed Info


As this was a contracted project I was provided with the pre-built expectations for the completion of this project which can be seen bellow. The list bellow outlines the expectation held for our design team, excluding the expectations from our other divisions.  
Game Modes
Free play Mode Mission Mode  
Power Ups
Shield Rapid Fire Backspace Joker  
Vehicle Weapons Spawning  
Letter Collection Timer Power Up Display Game Mode Maps Achievement Screen Upgrade Screen Credits Screen  

My Role

For my contract I was hired to help implement the library and make it editable and functional for both the Free play and Game Modes. I was also tasked with power ups approximately half way through the projects life span. I designed, developed, and coded the functionality of both the power ups and the library of both game modes.  

Project Completion

Due to a number of unforeseen issues Maurice designs stopped production on all projects before the completion and or release of any of its projects. While many of us were hopeful to continue the project outside of the company the owner kept creative control of all assets and designs made during this project.
Platform PC, Iphone, Ipad, Android, Tablet   Engine Unity   Language C#   Tools Used Unity, Visual studios   Duration 6 Month   Completion Shelved   Team Size 5 teams with 3-8 individuals per team   Role System Designer and Content Designer


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