Rise of The Nephilim


Rise of the Nephilim was a vertical slice for a potentially larger project. For this project we were tasked to design and develop a vertical slice for potential games that could be produced by Maurice designs during the brief intermission of the creation of Morpheme. I worked with both artists and other designers to create a simple unpolished vertical slice.  

Project Design Goals

The objective of this project was to participate in providing potential games that the company could make in order to bring in additional income. All approved projects would eventually be released as free to play with adds, and add removal purchases. The vertical slice was made to represent the four core types of quests as well as the basics of enemy and player combat mechanics.  


Detailed Info


As this project was to be a vertical slice and to be used in a pitch for potential investors we had to build it from the ground up, and utilize market research to select a an appropriate game that others would find enjoyable to play for an extended amount of time. After doing our research we found that there was a potential to be successful in the action section making a top down shooter. With this stepping stone we were able to create the following outline for the desired vertical slice and then the full game that we would pitch.  
Vertical Slice
Style: Top-down shooter
  • Protection missions
  • Escort mission
  • Activation mission
  • Collection missions
  • Pistol
  • Shotgun
  • Rifle
  • Sub-machine gun
  • Gernade
  • Health Pack
  • Melee
  • Ranged
  • Suicide
  • Targeted
  • Saving People
  • Hints at Demons and other myth themes
  • Health Tracking
  • Ammo Tracking
  • Weapon Tracking
  • Objective Tracking
  • Mini Map

My Role

During this vertical slice I was responsible for level design and level objectives. I focused on fast paced and continues movement while designing each level making sure to make decisions that encouraged players to continuously move. I designed a total of four levels utilizing the assets and resources provided by my fellow designers. Bellow you can find an example of the various maps that I made.  
Map Outlines

Project Completion

While the vertical slice was a success and we had positive feedback to the feel and design of the game the project never made it past this point in production. The project was initially shelved due to lack of funding shortly before this company closed its door. Despite never seeing the project released or fully completed I did learn a lot about the development cycle as well as some of the struggles to creating a successful and robust pitch.







Tools Used

Unity, Visual studios  


3 Month  



Team Size

6 individuals  


Level Designer


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