Cook Character in Garragunya | World Anvil


The matter of Cook is a contentious one, as few unaltered accounts exist of the being. However, we will endeavor to produce the most accurate accounting of what is known¹. I doubt that such could be said of the other deities.   What I mean by this, for those lucky enough to have avoided divine contact, is that the gods are typically less than forthcoming in regards to information. Especially when it relates to one of their biggest defeats, even the more amicable will refuse to divulge anything and will likely smite the inquiring individual². The fickle nature of divinity likely arises from this very individual.  


  After the Sundering, everything related to The Albion Empire was cast into the Everwhen. However, the Albions were a world dominating and high magic empire - it would be foolish to assume none of their extremely hardy constructs did not survive their empire's explosive end.   Towards the end of the Triumvirate Era, Cook managed to break free of the Everwhen somewhere beyond The Nimbus Sea. It is highly likely that whatever remnants remained of the Albion Empire managed to put enough of their former might together to send their last undamaged Godmech back into the Material Plane. Not much is known about this category of Albion machine, but I hypothesize there was a corps of them keeping the leylines stable in E.B. times.   Upon entering Garragunya, Cook fortuitously (or likely intentionally) entered when a Yabun-Poronga was under way. On entering he prostrated himself before the others, his exact wording is lost but it is known his preferred stratagem was claiming remorse at being the last of the Albions and wished a second chance to do better. The others permitted this, and granted him the territory of the Munda Forest. There were approximately two centuries that passed as this trial period of trust - and Cook made ample use of that time.   When the next Yabun-Poronga was called, Cook did not show. The others journeyed into his territory to discover that Cook had drained the forest of all life³. The gods were infuriated that he would dare to trick them, even Irrinja as Cook had violated the Bamal Yalgoo. And, as to be expected, a battle erupted. While a liar, Cook was not a fool, as the reason the forest was destroyed was that he absorbed the entirety of the magical energies and lifeforces of the Munda Forest - turning it into what would become the Windang Desert. The Battle-Windang lasted for the entire Guwing of 11,770 E.N. The Battle-Windang ended when Whowie consumed Cook, expending the strongest death spells of his gut upon Cook. It took Whowie's entire being to accomplish the task, but Cook was felled in the middle of the Windang Desert. As Whowie died and faded out of existence⁴, the pile of scrap that was Cook's body remained in that spot and became the Stovetop Mesa.


  Not much is known of the full capabilities of this or any Godmech. Hopefully the current artifichaelogical expeditions will yield data, however given the deteriorated state of the wreckage they reported on their arrival in 33,971 E.B.   Theorized abilities are deity level durability and strength, mana consolidation, and combative magics utilizing the consolidated mana to further enhance durability and strength.       Article contributed by Head of Arcana, Professor Hinpe Rogne.


  ¹As with all matters compiled for the Incyclopya Garragunya.   ²Noted example of graduate student Starshine attempting to ask Mimi about this topic for the rough version of this entry.   ³This finding is what formed the basis of the paper cowritten between Doxara Presro and I on life essence and its possible connection to latent ambient magical energies and their long term directional flow.   ⁴This of course was the definitive death of Whowie. Any unsubstaniated rumors coming from the offices of Lier Icafl are not to be published in any form until they can produce evidence of their "claims".

Favored Residence:

  The Central Dunes  




  Clerical Domains: n/a   Patronage Realms: n/a