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Alaric Son of Sinir

Born in the dark wilderness, Alaric never met his father who died while out on a mission along with his best pal, Nahali’s father! That loss pained his mother Sinir so much that she quit being a farmer and became a fierce warrior who would later on die heroically in a battle holding off two vampires so that what was left of her party including her son could escape.   But before that happened, his mother did more than make up for his father’s absence, teaching him how to carry himself as a man, how no matter what you have to keep persevering through it all, and that one has to be strong and always seek to become stronger, not for himself but for everyone else, those teachings instilled him with an unwavering discipline for training and honing his fighting prowess.   Alaric joined the frontline at a young age with lifelong friend Nahali and Sugar. Going on small missions escorting scouts on low danger missions and outposts watch nights. One day on an unseeming scavenge mission, the entire party got wiped out by a vampire swordsman, even the party Leader Jon a strong fighter who shared the battlefield with his late mother, whom he admired for his bravery and strength cried out in pain as he was sucked out of his blood. Watching that horror scene, looking at his horror filled eyes as he was spelling breathlessly "run.” Alaric picked up Nahali who had sunk to the ground in a comatose state along with Sugar and ran away blood dripping, tears and snot flowing and his pants shat.   After that incident that left them broken and the morale of the entire tribe low, Nahali quit going to the frontline and focused her attention on blacksmithing and helping the community the best she could. Alaric, however, couldn’t live that crushing, humiliating defeat down as well as remembering his mother’s words used that as fuel to become stronger, to never have to live that again, to never have to lose anyone again, so that not a single person has to sacrifice himself to save the others, to be able to protect what he couldn't before.   After the foundation of Edgeford and the formation of the triumvirate, Alaric and Sugar joined the militia under the command of Turel, showing promise of a great duo to be! Knowing full well each other's weaknesses and fears allows them to have each other’s backs, always picking one another up and promised to never let someone behind.


Alaric Son of Sinir

Fellow Survivor

Towards Herian Finn


Herian Finn

Fellow Survivor

Towards Alaric Son of Sinir


Iliyana Lutsenko


Towards Alaric Son of Sinir


Alaric Son of Sinir


Towards Iliyana Lutsenko


After his fusion with a Spirit, his appearance changed to resemble a blond man with far less muscle than he had. Still getting used to his new found powers, body and permanent companion. His resolve is stronger than ever

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Recuperating in Marev

Ever since the downfall of Edgeford, the slaying of Triumvirate. i tried to run away from there with those who wanted to escape from the vampires and the rule of the witch Zhenya but i ended up getting them all killed, only me, the captain, Editho and Mathis made it.   We survived best we could out there, after being led to a somewhat safe space by a vampire, the first one i ever really exchanged words with instead of blows. Turns out that's that princess of the city of Marev who we are tasked of bringing back home now! especially after being saved by the guard of the Queen herself, Vladlen.   This city and it's people have shaken everything i knew to the core, vampires aren't all bad? all kinds of night walkers living sides by side with the humans. I wonder if Mathys will ever feel comfortable here, or maybe it's me who feels that way, i dont know anymore.   What i do know is that i'm still far too weak, still a maggot! and if i want to save Nahali, i have to become much more stronger! if it wasn't for Vladlen we would've all died back there and Mathys would have never survived! that still hasn't changed.. after we bring the princess back i have to become stronger no matter what! I still need to pay back the witch for everything she's done.   We've found new companions however, some share our goals and ideals, others not so much  


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