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Battle of Grelwood

The Final stand against Vaard Horzov 's Army and queen Milena Saylin

The Conflict


Waves of night walkers invaded the coasts of mycelond, Queen Milena Saylin orders troops to be sent to the frontlines.


UNCG Siege weapons are comissioned to defend Bryarmoore, reinforcements sent to the frontlines


Troops are pushed to Grelwood where the conflict indured , in favor of the vampires for the humans were easy pickings in low light. in a last attempt to save her people Queen Milena Saylin surrendered herself so her people could be spared.


Milena Saylin is turned into a vampire becoming Milena Horzov


After her transformation Milena Horzov turns her most loyal subjects into Vampire

Historical Significance


Bryarmoore Turns into a vampire state with a minority of mortal races
Start Date
40 HS Lamur
Ending Date
40 HS 17th Garnaz
Conflict Result
General Vaard Horzov accepts Milena Saylin surrender and agrees to spare the subjects

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