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Blacksmith of owner of Nahali's Shop , she slit the throats of her a prentices as they slit hers during the raiding of edgeford to avoid capture and enslavement.   The adventurers found her roaming in Hannok Forest as newly turned vampire, they gave her a liliyana's blood so she could regain her memories and become herself again.By doing so her appearance changed drastically, shifting closer to the nightwalker that sired her as she lost her orcish features.

Personality Characteristics


Make the most of her immortality

Before her transformation : Straightforward, Gets the job done,a little bit anti social After her transformation : became free of her inhibitions doing what she pleases happy about life.

Character Location
Current Location
The adventurer's estate
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Neutral Evil
Current Location
225 HS 250 HS 25 years old
Circumstances of Death
Ruled Locations

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