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Cleric Spell List

Mana: A Cleric has 2 + (Level/2 * Wisdom Modifier) mana.
  25% of your mana will be restorted on a short rest (1 hour long)
100% of your mana will be restored on a long rest ( 8 hours long)

Spell Name


Cast time




Divine Words 0 1 Action Instantaneous 15' No
Light Rope 0 1 Action 1 Hour Touch No
Sun Orb 0 1 Action 1 Hour Touch No
Banish 0 1 Action Instantaneous 60' No
Guidance 0 1 Action 1 Minute Touch No
Radiant Burn 0 1 Action Instantaneous 10' No
Sight 0 1 Action 1 Hour Touch No
Detect Divine 0 1 Action 10 Minutes Self Yes
Holy Sigil 0 1 Action Unlimited Touch No
Frighten 0 1 Action Instantaneous 30' No
Blessing 1 1 Action 1 Minute 15' No
Condemn 1 1 Action 1 Minute 15' No
Create/Destroy Water 1 1 Action[1] Instantaneous 60' No
Minor Cure Wounds 1 1 Action Instantaneous Touch No
Minor Inflict Wounds 1 1 Action Instantaneous Touch No
Protection from Good/Evil 1 1 Action[1] Instantaneous Touch Yes
Healing Speech 1 Bonus Action Instantaneous 60' No
Clean Sustenance 1 1 Action[1] Instantaneous 5' No
Divine Protection 1 1 Minute 10 Minutes Touch No
Sun Armor 1 1 Bonus Action 10 Minutes 60' Yes
Heatstroke 1 1 Action Instantaneous 60' No
Endless Sunlight 2 1 Action Until Dispelled Touch No
Create Sustenance 2 1 Action Instantaneous 5' No
Aid 2 1 Action 8 Hours 30' No
Sagitta's Vortex 2 1 Action Instantaneous 60' No
[1] - Can be ritual casted.

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Articles under Cleric Spell List

Spell | Jun 12, 2022

Your powerful aura boosts your allies resilience. Choose up to three creatures within range. Each target's hit point maximum and current hit points increase by 5 for the duration. At Higher Levels. You can spend 1 more mana to increase target's hit point

Spell | Jun 12, 2022

Choose one creature within range, they must make a wisdom saving throw or take 2d8 radiant damage. This spell has no effect on Good/Neutral creatures. Increase the damage die by 1 every 5th levelup (6th, 11th, etc.)

Spell | Jun 12, 2022

You bless up to 4 willing creatures within range. The target can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to one saving throw or attack roll of its choice. It can roll the die before or after making the ability check. The spell then ends. You can spend 1 mana

Clean Sustenance
Spell | Jun 12, 2022

You place your hands over the area of dirty/rotten/contaminated food and restore it's vitality, making it edible again. This will remove toxin, disease, and rot of any food and drink within a 5-foot radius.

Spell | Jun 12, 2022

You condemn up to 4 targeted creatures within range. On the targets next successful attack roll or saving throw, they must roll 1d4 and subtract the number rolled to the attack roll or saving throw. The spell then ends. You can spend 1 mana to increase

Create Sustenance
Spell | Jun 12, 2022

You create enough food and water to satiate the hunter and thirst of up to 5 humanoids. While the food may taste bland, it is nourishing. The food will spoil after 24 hours, but the water will stay clean.

Create/Destroy Water
Spell | Jun 12, 2022

You either create or destroy water. Create Water. You create up to 10 gallons of clean water within range in an open container. Alternatively, the water falls as rain in a 30-foot cube within range, extinguishing exposed flames in the area.

Detect Divine
Spell | Jun 12, 2022

You release a wave of divine aura, reading the waves as they resonate off of anything with divine property. For the duration of the spell, you detect all magical items, symbols, locations, and places of worship. Objects seen this way have a faint glow and

Divine Protection
Spell | Jun 12, 2022

Touch a creature, a protective barrier will form around them. The next creature that attacks the target must make a Wisdom saving throw, or it's action ends. If the target uses a hostile action, the spell ends.

Divine Words
Spell | Jun 12, 2022

You speak words from the divine to cast out your enemies. Pick a single target in range, they must make a Wisdom Saving Throw or take 1d6 Radiant Damage.

Endless Sunlight
Spell | Jun 12, 2022

It emits up to 30' sunlight, and an additional 30' of dim light. This light source uses no oxygen yet emits heat. While covered, it emits no light but will heat up whatever is covering it. Can be dispelled for 1 mana.

Spell | Jun 12, 2022

Choose one creature within range, You attempt to stun their soul with a ray of immense light. They must make a Wisdom saving throw or become Frightened, and take damage equal to your spellcasting ability modifier.

Spell | Jun 12, 2022

Touch one willing creature, the target can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to any check of it's choice. The die can be rolled after or before the check. The spell then ends.

Healing Speech
Spell | Jun 12, 2022

You speak to the soul of a nearby creature. A creature of your choice that you can see within range regains hit points equal to 1d4 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on undead, constructs, or other creatures that have an unnat

Spell | Sep 22, 2022

In a 15-foot-radius sphere a source, all creatures must make a Constitution Saving Throw against the casters spell DC. Creatures take 2d6 Pyro damage and gain 1 point of exhaustion. On a success creatures take only half as much damage.

Holy Sigil
Spell | Jun 12, 2022

Touch a creature or object, it imprints a holy sigil unique to you upon them that has a faint glow. The sigil takes up at most 1 cubic feet of space. It can be taken off of objects or creatures after a few minutes of work by anyone. If placed on a creatur

Minor Cure Wounds
Spell | Jun 12, 2022

You touch a creature's wounds, healing most aliments and restoring the flesh. The creature you touched regains a number of hit points equip to 1d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on undead, constructs, or other creatures tha

Minor Inflict Wounds
Spell | Sep 22, 2022

You touch a creature's, causing burns and blisters to appear. The creature you touched takes 3d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier in radiant damage.. This spell has no effect on undead, constructs, or other creatures that have an unnatural form of hea

Protection from Good/Evil
Spell | Feb 11, 2023

Touch one willing creature, they are protected against certain types of creatures: aberrations, celestials, elementals, wildern, fiends, and undead. Creatures of those types have disadvantage on attack rolls against the target. The target also can't be c

Radiant Burn
Spell | Jun 12, 2022

A beam of light emits a holy flame. Chose one creator, it must make a Constitution saving throw, or take 1d8 Radiant damage. Increase the damage die by 1 every 5th levelup (6th, 11th, etc.)

Sagitta's Vortex
Spell | Sep 24, 2022

Through the light of Sagitta, the light beams that reflect off of your body are filled with an intense pull that you can use to entice any creature or object towards you. Choose any target and make a ranged spell attack. On a hit the target takes 3d10 rad

Spell | Jun 12, 2022

Touch one willing creature, it can see through fog and smoke created naturally and not by abberaturgy. The spell ends if you cast it again or dismiss it as an action.

Sun Armor
Spell | Jun 12, 2022

A bright field of light forms around a creature of your choice, granting them +2 bonus AC. When casted in direct sunlight, no concention is needed as long as the target stays in direct sunlight.

Sun Orb
Spell | Jun 12, 2022

You summon a sun-like orb that floats around you but can never leave your orbit. They emit light up to 15' away and 15' of dim light after that. The light source from these orbs is considered sunlight. You can end the spell by dismissing it, costing 1 act


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