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Your Kinesthetics skill covers discerning and identifying information and traits about creatures. It is very similar to investigation-like skills except that it is focused on creatures. Some examples of this skill include the following:

Detect Traits

You can use Kinesthetics to discern traits of various creatures, friend or foe. Certain traits are only known after meeting certain DC level. You can see the DC for most traits at the NPC Traits List page.  

Ascertain Abilities

Some creatures may have special and unique abilities that they can use in and out of combat; You may learn the name of their abilities but based on your roll only determine a select few:  
DCWhat you ascertain
0You are unable to learn of their unique abilities.
5You can confirm they have unique abilities.
10You determine the number and names of their abilities.
15You determine what a single unique ability does.
20You determine what an additional unique ability does.
25You determine what an additional unique ability does.
Some abilities may be learned upon knowledge of their name, such as the event you have witnessed it before. Some legendary abilities may require you to learn about it twice to fully understand it's uses.  

Power Level

You can detect a creatures relative power against your own. For example, you may be able to determine that an unknown celestial angel would prove to be a difficult fight for you. Or that a gang of muggers may be a walk in the park.

Quick Reference

Knesthetic is a free action, but can only be done on one creature at a time.
One Kinesthetic roll will reveal all you know, there will be no need to make multiple rolls to determine something about each feature.  
You cannot use this again on a creature until you have discovered/discerned something about the creature that would allow you to perform another check (Such as the creature performing an unknown ability or behaving unexpectedly.)  
Taking 10/20
This is going to be reserved for creature you will get to observe beforehand, such as sell-swords or anyone willing to reveal their martial prowess to you. Unless a creature is actively in combat, you will not be able to take 10/20 on this roll.

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