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NPC Traits List

Authors note: This is currently an incomplete list!
This is a list of custom traits designed for creatures. Some traits are discernible without any sort of check, but others would require a Kinesthetics Skill check.

Intelligence Traits

Wisdom - Unused; May Indicate a certain creature has obtained sapience when it would be outside of the norm
Improved Wisdom - This creature will seek to preserve the life of itself and allies/friends. Often it will choose the action that puts itself in a better position or its comrades
Greater Wisdom - This creature uses Player Intelligence to make it's actions; It may come up with strategies and tactics, acting like a player itself
Meta Wisdom - This creature not only gains the benefits of Greater Wisdom, but may use meta knowledge about the party
Clairvoyant Wisdom - This creature can gleam into other creature actions, and become buffed if correct

Player-Malevolent Traits

Malevolence - Player's may not go back upon their actions once they have passed their turn.
Improved Malevolence - One action at a time; Once complete, you cannot take it back.
Greater Malevolence - Once you commit to doing something, you can't take it back even if it's not completed, be careful what you say
Meta Malevolence - Timed turns, determined by DM
Clairvoyant Malevolence - This creature does not operate under 'Turn Order' and often has a condition for when it gets a turn.

Death-Related Traits

By default - creatures will try to not target downed players. If an AoE spell/ability would target a downed player, they will not cast it
  Situational Cutthroat - This creature ignores AoE spell/ability rules related to downed opponents
Selective Cutthroat - This creature will only kill certain creatures when downed
Cutthroat - This creature will target downed players at will attempt to finish them when given the chance
Improved cutthroat - This creature will try to setup up scenario's in which other creatures have no choice but to die
Greater Cutthroat - This creature may go out of it's way to target downed creatures
Forlorn - This creature will seek to set up situation to kill creatures outright with no chance of recovery, even if it includes detriment to itself
Humiliate - This creature will seek to maim, or break items of downed creatures at will
Merciful - Creatures downed by this opponent are spared their life, even after creatures party is defeated entirely. It may have a belief of forgiveness, or a desire to enslave the other creature.
Selective Merciful - Creatures downed by this opponent are spared their life, even after creatures party is defeated entirely, but only certain creatures

Combat-Related Traits

  Breaker - This creature possesses some kind of ability that allows it to either demolish, or break equipment used by opponents
Brute - This creature does higher damage than normal at its rank. Note this unit may have normal damage, but instead cause effects upon landing a critical hit
Duelist - This creature focuses on one target throughout combat. They may either have strong single-target attacks, or abilities that allow them to debilitate and exhaust a target out of a fight. They may go though great lengths to keep attacking the same target
Evasive - This creature has the ability to move swiftly through combat, either with high movement speed, special movement actions, or the ability to escape AoO effortlessly
Expendable - This creature has no concern over it's well-being, and will go at great lengths to achieve it's goal even if it involves self-destruction
Jammer - This creature has the ability to disable equipment and devices, usually electronics, from either functioning correctly or disabling them outright
Slayer - This target focuses on opponents it can damage easier, this is generally represented as having less armor than other opponents
Synergistic - This creature has abilities which may be a part of a combo. For abilities to count as Synergistic, their combined effect must be stronger than the sum of their parts.
Ball-Buster - This creature is a real prick. He may have statistics or effects that cause real-life agony.
Minion-Buffer (DC 20) - They possess powerful AoE or status effects to boost the combat abilities of their allies.

Ranking-Related Traits

Boss (DC 10) - This creature has improved defensive and offensive capabilities, as well as unique actions specifically tied to them.
Sergeant (DC 10) - This creature stands out from most of his peers, often with a few underlings under his direct command.
Moot (DC 5) - This creature is at or near the bottom of the totem pole. Generally, they lack any important ability or traits but can still pose a threat in numbers.
Summon (DC 5) - This creature has been summoned,created, or forged through powerful abberaturgy.


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