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Tetámb is the main settlement of the Mnálans, one of the seven tribes of Tederans that make up the Ptivamanaktem Alliance in central Karatvánamb Forest of southeastern Túlmikkía. It's located in the northwestern part of the alliance's territory, by the southeastern shore of Jám Lake.
The city is one of the largest within Ptivamanaktem, as it was already prosperous through trade with other tederan tribes by the time mnálans joined the alliance, and is a major religious center in the region as well. Tetámb a major source of horses, ivory and spices such as njangsa and bee balm.


Mnálans claim their city to be the oldest in world, which is not that far-fetched, as it's one of the oldest continuously inhabited settlements in the region.
According to local tradition, the hero Tetá founded the city after following a divine serpent to the site, where it laid a pair of eggs, shed its skin and disappeared into lake. The snake-skin was used to mark the city's1 original boundaries, while from each egg hatched twins; one pair became the ancestors of the tederans, while the other that of their ancient rivals, the Vevúni.
The mnálans believe that the fertile land around Tetámb is a gift of the divine serpent, and hold a festival each year as thanksgiving.

1The name is derived from Tetá Ómb or Place of Tetá.
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