Catarina considers herself the foremost expert on The Centipede in New Carydam. She navigates the river from her skiff, Hundred Stories, and provides guided tours to visitors and locals alike, which usually includes far too many centipede "facts."
There aren't many that would call the tour very informative, but most agree that it is entertaining. As such, many Carydamians consider Catarina to be a beloved eccentric. Her good friend Venomhead does not enjoy the same reception.
Her status as a cherished local icon has afforded her a role as chief judge in the Bug River Barbecue, an annual tradition in which the centipedes thronging the river are served up in tasty and inventive meals, with a generous prize awarded to the best dish.
Current Location
Current Residence
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Oh, this ol' river will tell you things. You've just got to listen."