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Codename: Sleeping Alley, Report the First

General Summary

We met our heroes upon the percolating swamp of danger, heading headlong into some conflict they knew little about. Grax the Indominable agreed to look after the horribly wounded Svorborg & escort him back to Hammstoke while our other brave companions met their fate head on.   That fate turned out to be a pretty big battle between The Manifest and Brass Lamb. These factions were led by Ordinator Kordel Reg, who distributed condescension & cutting bon mots along with rapier thrusts & pistol fire, & the dashing Olddom Zethergyll, a dreadlocked rapscallion, respectively. Zethergyll was very grateful our crew decided to throw in with his whole situation while Reg remained infuriating dismissive. The battle raged on for quite a while, with Reita going down to one of Reg's pistol blasts, before Reg himself decided he had enough & used what seems to be a magic pocket watch to either teleport or disappear. Whew!   Either way, our gang survived & started to earn the respect of Zethergyll, a person of note in the Brass Lamb area of influence. After several cryptic conversation threads, Aletha agreed that yeah, sure, she knows what to do next, & Zethergyll & Orange Peel (another operative) departed with their dead--Black Lotus & Silver Stream for parts unknown.   Oh, & before Reg left he mentioned that he would remember each & every one of their faces. That can not be good.   The next thing, apparently, is to head to Hammstoke & see if they can make contact with any sort of resistance network there.   On the way there, Hama came across a horrible smelling not magic stone in a river. Hmm!   Our crew arrived dog tired & beat up, so they decided to visit The Humble Farmer, an inn & tavern in the center of Hammstoke. There, Svo'Kool immediately set to gambling, doing fairly well before losing nigh near everything. Hama & Rieta talked to some farmers--the oldest named Grockor Crowbrew, which is about the best name for anything ever, & determined that their weird rock was actually from a nitre mine up in Curragan's Shame. Lots of them up there. That's where the gunpowder comes from.   Meanwhile, Aletha had an interesting ack & forth with Elma Rumeskar, the proprietress. While the Brass Lamb passcodes didn't really work on her, she told Aletha to seek out Yoni & promptly fucked off.   Then it was time for sleep. While Rieta & Aletha enjoyed the hospitality of Elma, Svo'Kool & Hama decided to sleep in an alley under the stars. This will, apparently, become very important.   The next morning featured a visit to Yoni Yellowcrane, who, after a cagey back & forth, (what was your face before you were born? / fire wound & salt crater) let them into her secret back rooms & told them they were all dead, unless they killed Reg, because he would surely make them outlaws. which would be very bad indeed. So, yeah, they agreed to that & came up with a codename for their association--"Sleeping Alley." See how we got there? Everyone needs an individual code name, though, but there is time for that.   Before seeking out Reg, our crew visited Hammstoke Hall, renamed as a Tabernacle, & Jammock Ircson of Jammock's Mill, with whom they broke bread. Like, a lot of bread. Turns out, not everyone in the Ascendancy is a total shithead. Well, damnit. What now?   We will solve that question & pose many others during our next session.
Report Date
06 Sep 2020
Primary Location
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