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Codename: Sleeping Alley, Report the Second

General Summary

We met the Alley Sleepers in the coiling dust of danger, walking around Hammstoke & trying to figure out what to do next. Our heroes have been tasked with eliminating Ordinator Kordel Reg  before he makes his next report back to the Ascendancy, which will surely brand them all as traitors & outlaws & make their life very difficult indeed. Rumor has it his makeshift HQ is a nitre mine somewhere deep in the Shame, so all our dummies have to do is seek that out & visit righteous murder upon Reg.

How are our heroes going to do that? Well, I guess we'll head back to The Humble Farmer & gamble & drink until a solution presents itself. Our crew is getting good at that (well, maybe the drinking--the jury is out on the gambling, although Svo'Kool attempted to take several of our party under his trunk to "show" them out to do it like a pro). Several rounds of drinking & gambling--a few with one Runmous Brewmaul--later, Elma Rumeskar  told them to seek out Tolse Honorarrow & see what she knows about a mine in the Shame. Also, maybe don't come back for a minute. She didn't really kick the gang out as invite them to visit again after a tenday or so.   So, off to Tolse' holdings on the outskirts of Hammstoke. Eventually, after some intimidation & some spell-fuckery, Tolse told them where she suspected the mine to be, but also to be very careful to not harm anyone because her boy, Stolvan, toiled there. Our gang was all to eager to promise that no harm would come to him, so that's great. Promises are great!   Getting to the mine itself would be a little bit of a journey deep into the Shame, so our heroes rested up around a campfire before undertaking this trek & shared their individual codenames with each other. Svo'Kool will be known as Dumpster Fire & Aletha will be named Broken Glass. Hama will be Red Moon & Reita will be Purple Rain. Lastly, Grax will be Fire Bird. All badass codenames.   The Shame held many strange encounters for our crew, from a trio of wandering dryads wondering "who is most handsome?" to a giant slug who wanted to eat them as a snack. There was also an eerie exchange with some floating lights in a fog and some eyeless crows, both of which are fine, I’m sure. Let us not forget the swarm of flies that forecasted the weather—overcast and foggy.   Finally, the mine was located. But there’s a lot of soldiers in there and a lot of innocent miners. How, then, to proceed?   It was determined that creating a big old fire distraction would work well, & it did, as several miners were dispatched to deal with it. One of these miners was a dwarf named Norgabella Largerock who was very amenable to the gang’s plans & agreed to help provided that no miners were hurt. Rad! Let’s blow up a mine!   & they did. & a fight commenced, but honestly it wasn’t much of a fight as Reg got his ass squarely handed to him. Thus ended Reg, & the threat of outlaw for our heroes.   Also, they got his awesome pocket watch, some coin, & his pistol. Score. & leveled up to 3 for their troubles.   We'll see how our crew gets themselves out of the Shame during our next session.

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Report Date
14 Sep 2020
Primary Location
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