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Dedication of the Chronicle

The Dedication of the Chronicle is a federation of scholars dedicated to historical record.


After taking their Vow of Knowledge, and receiving a small stipend to help them on their way, Chroniclers operate largely independent from one another. Some work in teams, but most venture out into the world alone, taking note of new and interesting developments and overlooked areas of scholarship to document and detail.   Chroniclers meet once a year in the Exchange. The location of the Exchange varies from year to year. It takes place over three tendays and all of the notations and observations of attendant Chroniclers are cataloged into a shared document that is then transported to the Chronosomatic, which holds the Principal--a repository of all Chronicler's annotations since the founding of the Dedication.


Historically, Chroniclers have prided themselves on an aura of impartiality. They viewed the role of the auditor to be impassive and attentive, as the Dedication did exist not to judge, but to record. Recently, however, that stance has begun to be challenged by some Chroniclers within the Dedication. Some have argued that impassivity in the face of wrong-doing is against truth, and that, instead, Chroniclers should strive to write accurately and fairly, while also acknowledging perspective and influence. This division has been the spark of numerous arguments and conflicts during recent Exchanges.

Public Agenda

The Dedication of the Chronicle has the stated goal of accumulating and protecting knowledge to fend off another Unknown Era, in which the knowledge repositories were eradicated by some unidentified event or occurrence.    Privately, some feel that the Displacement has given them much to write about. They are loathe to see it end.


The Principal is less a book than a library, housed in the Chronosomatic, which is located in Tonda.

Never a wealthy order, the Dedication devotes most of its resources to looking after the Principal, and expects individual Chroniclers to support themselves and their undertakings through their own labor.


In 765 AC, the celebrated adventurer and scribe Rifanki Yis-Drolikian, frustrated at the paucity of useful knowledge about the Unknown Eras, decided to use her considerable skills to document the current era, the Age of the Crater, so that future generations may know this world and those who shaped it.   Others took up this work soon after. The following years have seen the number of Chroniclers ebb and flow over time. Most Chroniclers have been scholars, lore keepers, and librarians, but there have been a notable number of amateur historians whose contributions to the work have been appreciated.

To Hold Knowledge is to Hold the World

Founding Date
765 AC
Consortium, Research

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