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Goatknob is a island district situated in southeastern Myrgraf
  Goatknob is a island district situated in southeastern Myrgraf.

Guilds and Factions

With the dissolution of Seether's Children, there are currently four factions present in Goatknob:
  • Ratkings--the Ratkings control the pleasure houses and gambling dens of the Knob, operating mostly in plain sight from the Goatknob Benevolent Society. They are currently led by Khar Flintale and were previously allied with Seether's Children.
  • Lizardskull's Lot--Lizardskull's Lot are said to navigate a complex systems of tunnels and underground access points all over Goatknob. Seether's Children used their services for smuggling operations. The Lot are always guided by an elected Lizardskull, which is currently Melver Trillmork
  • The Ghost Pier Folk--"honest" fishers of the Phantom Sea, the Ghost Pier Folk look to Darvala to speak for their interests
  • Anatraxan Brethren--devoted to Anatraxus, First Chosen Voyiva makes sure the Brethren enact Anatraxus' will.


Recently, the most powerful faction in Goatknob, Seether's Children was dissolved, as most of the faction's leadership perished when their workshop exploded. Accusations about which faction was responsible abound, but most Knobber's agree this is Khuldrossa's will and have prepared themselves to navigate the ongoing chaos of the power struggle between factions.
Alternative Name(s)
Isle of Goats; the Knob
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under


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