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Harmony Session 2: Rodent Rush

General Summary

The morning after their arrival to Vardura, our six intrepid adventurers joined the rest of The Windblown for their first guild meeting. Guildmaster Ivin Ivinson introduced himself before handing the agenda off to Amintolous "Minty" Xallanich, the Windblown's quartermaster and second-in-command. The no-nonsense dragonborn informed the 30-odd adventurers of how quests will be distributed, weekly pay, and investing in the camp. She also assigned adventuring parties and grouped our six heroes together for their erstwhile displays of benevolent teamwork.   Our heroes decided to pursue the Lost Personnel quest and travel south along The Singing Bay and search for Folio Barzaggle and the lost Echwink Expeditions skiff. While Minty wasn't exactly eager to answer questions, she did equip all the adventurers with enough rations for their round trip. With little fanfare, our heroes assembled themselves and set off into the Varduran wilds.  

Dangerous Beauty

Our heroes took their multi-day journey southward at pace, deciding that finding Folio should be a little urgent. It wasn't long before they met some resistance/. A cadre of sea spawn emerged from the Bay to attack, catching several of our adventurers strangely off-guard. Thankfully, Gorr and Pilgrim were able to keep their heads and dish out some heavy hurt on these abominations.   Further down the coast, Azarki spotted a fast moving creature ducking out of view among the rocks. He identified it as one of those pesky wharflings that had been stealing supplies from the camp. Enoch and Zoran convinced the party that tracking this little shit would be worth their while, so they followed their tracks into the woods and away from the water.  

Unnatural Order

The wharfling trail of footprints and discarded rations wrappers led our heroes to their lair: a pond in the middle of a clearing. The party ambushed the little thieves quite successfully, but not before one issued a loud warning cry into the woods. A few seconds later, and three giant albino death weasels emerged from the forest to help defend their little scavengers. These beasts were not very friendly, and their weasel charges really did a number on the crew. Our heroes came out victorious though and are now poised to see if they can salvage anything the wharfling's stole.

Rewards Granted

  • The right to party!
  • The First Quest
  • Wharfling booty

Character(s) interacted with

  • Pilgrim and Malachai spoke with Olga Featherstream about Folio Barzaggle, the missing functionary employed by Echwink Expeditions. She assured them that he was a nice guy.
  • Zoran and Malachai spoke about finding the maizegrown that may still inhabit Vardura, but the goliath neglected to share his story.

Related Reports

Enchanting wisps of melody and music can be heard when traveling The Singing Bay. This phenomena has an adverse affect on one's attention span.


  • While walking along the shores of The Singing Bay, Azarki Kevin-Kevin, Enoch, Zoran, and Malachai seemed to be put in some kind of daze while listening to the strange melodies that rode half-heard on the wind across the water.
  • Supposedly on purpose, Malachai has been dropping kernels behind him while he journeys.
  • Zoran had a difficult time playing a song on his flute and was reminded of how disconnected he had become from his past.
  • Gorr showed a bit of his true strength when he completely sucked the life out of a sea spawn with a judicious Inflict Wounds.
  • Zoran got weasel sprayed in the face after his own rabbit's-foot-empowered weasel charge.
Report Date
02 May 2024
Primary Location