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Homecoming is a ritual celebration in Wanevale, focused on honoring the cycle of life, death, and rebirth.


Indicative of the importance Wanevalens place on ancestor reverence, Homecoming was created as soon as the first Wanevalen died. It has occurred on, roughly, a yearly basis since then.   When Astrapool was established, it commenced its own Homecoming efforts to coincide with Glimmnock's tradition.    The purpose of Homecoming is to honor and celebrate the collective ancestral spirit that resides both within current Walevalens and those that have since departed.


Homecoming is a parade. It proceeds from its starting point (with a parade departing both Glimmnock and Astrapool) down the Well-Trod Path to the Arcade of Ancestors. Upon reaching the Arcade, a two-day celebration is held before recessing back to each parade's respective starting point.    The parade itself is noisy and boisterous. Joyful music streams out from the procession, characterized by roaring brass and tight percussion. Collective singing and chanting is both encouraged and expected. The goal of this raucous affair is to attract as many spirits along the Well-Trod Path as possible. Participants then celebrate with those spirits not yet ready to be reborn in the cycle, and also to assist in guiding those bewildered spirits that might need aid in understanding their current place in the cycle. Those who fall when dealing with bewildered spirits are particularly revered in future Homecomings.   The processional to the Arcade is called the Come Up. Once arriving at the Arcade of the Ancestors, a temporary festival grounds is established. Many Walevalens spent significant time celebrating with their direct ancestral spirits, or with those ancestral spirits they've established kinship with through the circumstances of Homecoming.    After two days, each parade returns to its settlement. This recessional is called the Back Down. The various stages of Homecoming are responsible for the phrase "from the Come Up to the Back Down," which means, roughly, from start to finish.

Components and tools

Given its significant focus on music, instruments of all kinds are needed for a successful Homecoming. Special emphasis is placed on brass and percussive instruments.

There are open-platform wagons for the elderly and infirm (and for the larger musical ensembles) but is it walking (and dancing) thing for most.    It is also understood that the parade will have access to arms, as some of the bewildered spirits may need a more firm hand in guiding them home.


The Conductor is arguably the most important role in Homecoming. The Conductor for the upcoming Homecoming begins preparations immediately after the previous Homecoming ends. They are responsible for leading the parade on the Well-Trod Path, along with setting the pace, tone, and celebratory approaches of the procession. They are also expected to keep an eye out for the spirits joining the parade and to make sure the participants are adequately prepared to offer hospitality, reverence, and guidance as needed.

Outside of the Conductor, there are several important roles in Homecoming. They are:
  • Musicians
  • Entertainers
  • Revelers
Most participants are a mixture of all three.   In addition to these, there is also a special detachment of individuals called the Bewildered Brigade. These participants are responsible for coordinating any efforts needed to deal with bewildered spirits along the way.


Preparations for the ritual begin when the "Yearshroom," the giant mushroom in Glimmnock, is approaching the zenith of its illumination. Homecoming occurs when it is brightest.
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