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Wanevale is a Deep Plane of existence, shrouded in eternal twilight.
  Wanevale is a Deep Plane of existence, shrouded in eternal twilight.  


In broad strokes, the people of Wanevale are capable of profound, seemingly boundless, joy. In stark contrast to their surroundings, most Wanevalens are vibrant and warm, passionate and enthusiastic. They feel everything, and feel it deeply. A common refrain heard among the taverns in Glimmnock is "Even in darkness, there is light."   Most Walevalens do not worship a deity, but, instead, pay homage to the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. This cycle is a cornerstone of Wanevalen culture and is best expressed in the ritual of Homecoming.   Respect and reverence toward ancestors is critical, as is the understanding that each individual Wanevalen is the inheritor of collective ancestral spirits. Nothing (and no one) is ever truly gone in Wanevale.


Located in the Deep Planes--the amorphous planar locales situated far below the material plane's Abiding Black--Wanevale is probably best understood as a "dimensional pocket," a permanent ripple of instability in the fabric of another plane.     Surrounded on all sides by impenetrable mountains, Wanevale is a valley beset by continual half-light. There are two main bodies of water: the Wax, situated in the west and the north; and the Wane, located in the southeast.   The two main settlements, Glimmnock and Astrapool, are connected via The Well-Trod Path, which is the main transportation avenue in Wanevale. The two forks of the path meet in the ruins of the Arcade of Ancestors, which features prominently in the ritual of Homecoming.

Localized Phenomena

Perhaps owing to the peculiarities of its dimensional pocket, Wanevale is cloaked in perpetual twilight, existing in the liminal state between light and dark.   Strangely, however, residents don't suffer the effects of typical low-light environments. Instances of blindness and extra-sensory abilities in Wanevalens are as frequent as they would be on the material plane.

Fauna & Flora

Shinemoss, found in abundance on the banks of the Wane, is prized for both its tangy taste and its luminescence. The illuminating qualities of the material have given rise to the saying "shinemoss lights the way."   The twilight environment of Wanevale has proven ideal for the cultivation of various nutritious (and sometime poisonous) fungi. While there are some efforts at farming these mushrooms, most are harvested from the wilds around Glimmnock and Astrapool.   The Wax has an abundance of "singing" clams, so named as to the noise they make when reproducing. These clams range in size from giant to colossal--the largest of which have been known to feed an entire Homecoming.
Dimensional, Pocket
Related Tradition (Primary)


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