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The Cutters

The Cutters are a worker's collective operating out of Rhama's Lot.


While the Cutters are a cooperative formed around workers, a Shop Steward is elected to manage day to day operations and make sure the camp runs smoothly. Any Cutter who stays with the organization longer than three months is eligible to cast a vote for Shop Steward. Those Cutters who have been in the community a year or longer are eligible to run for Shop Steward.    Shop Stewards serve a term of 3 years, at which time another election is held. Shop Stewards may be removed from office with a "no confidence" vote of at least 1/2 of voting Cutters.    The Shop Steward, as of 1080 AC, is Vaulath Rainclimber Vathumemo, usually known as "Rain" among the Cutters.


Befitting its nature as a worker's cooperative, hard work and diligence are valued among the Cutters. Equally important, however, is mutual aid among the community. A common saying is "every axe eventually needs sharpening," referring to the way the Cutters look after their own, especially if that community member is too proud to ask for help.   Cutters also love a good story, and are particularly fond tales of the lumberjacking or oatjack consuming variety. The ability to "spin a good yarn," perhaps especially if the "factual" events of that story have been plausibly embellished.   Environmental stewardship and sustainability is also of vital concern. Part of the responsibility of the Shop Steward is to ensure that softwood is harvested responsibility, and that cutting areas have time to rejuvenate. This sometimes results in a less fruitful yield of lumber, but most Cutters agree that is worthwhile trade off. "Can't cut it again if it is already cut" is how this is usually explained to those that would over-harvest an area.   Many individuals come to the Cutters to leave their past behind. As such, Cutters also place importance upon the mutual recognition that the particulars of a Cutter's past should stay there.

Public Agenda

There are some among the Cutters that view their existence to go beyond a favorable economic arrangement and to actually be a political statement against reckless consumption and greed.


The Cutters hold sway over Rhama's Lot. Few among the Cutters would say that they "own" the land, but prefer to think of themselves as caretakers of it.   The profits that Cutters receive from the labors are evenly split. Those who are "voting Cutters" each receive an equal share. Those with under three months of Cutter service receive a smaller, but still equitable share. Any leftover coin is put back into the Cutter's operation.


The origins of the Cutters are murky at best, but most agree that the first Cutter was Selgithey Roughcleaver, who came to Rhama's Lot for unknown reasons. Soon, others joined her and a rough sketch of what would eventually become the Cutters began to take shape. Their days were spent cutting softwood trees, transporting them to shipyards, and selling them on spec to shipbuilders. As the Cutters grew, the scope of their operations grew alongside them.   Now, softwood trees are floated on Cutter's Creek to the waiting merchants at Vinram's Mill, and then transported to whatever shipbuilding operation is currently in need of lumber.
Founding Date
1067 AC
Civilian, Crew
Ruling Organization
Controlled Territories


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