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The Penitent: Blackwave Breakout

General Summary

What follows is an After Action Report on the activities of The Penitent, offering a summary of a particular Intervention.  

The Missive

Parole the Partisan  

Intervention Overview

Penitents Doric, Immeron, and Sennic were dispatched to Twicewater in Skint Parish. They met with "Cobblestew," an operative of the Brass Lamb, a revolutionary group dedicated to the overthrow of Alerki Ascendency control in Skint. He petitioned them to break out another Brass Lamb operative named "Nettletwist" out of Fort Blackwave--a secure Ascendency facility perched high on the cliffs overlooking Twicewater. As the "Minister for Mayhem," her chaotic concoctions are needed in the fight against the Ascendency.   To do so, the Penitients deployed the tried and true stratagem known as the "Chewbacca Gambit," in which Sennic posed as a prisoner and Dorric and Immeron pretended to be Blackwave guards. This worked quite well, enabling them to infiltrate the fort, find Nettletwist, and secure her release through applied violence. Nettletwist, in her captivity, learned of "something fucky" going on in this fort, however, and insisted they investigate before they left. That investigation revealed a series of alarming experimentations done on humanoid corpses, resulting in a being "stitched together" limb to limb, organ to organ. The Penitents dispatched the scientist responsible, disrupting further experimentation, but the "experiment" itself ran off in the melee.   With Blackwave formidably disrupted, the Penitents helped "Cobblestew" and "Nettletwist" escape the city, ensuring that the fight against the Ascendency will go on, and returned to Eldheim.    

Salient Details

  • The "experiment" that the Penitents helped free from Blackwave has a name--Toebee. They'll go on to become part of the family Kevin-Kevin, own The Quilted Man--an illustrious tailor in Twicewater, and become a respected connoisseur of the finer things in life, but that's a story for a different time.
  • Character(s) interacted with

    • "Cobblestew"--Brass Lamb operative and petitioner
    • "Nettletwist"--The "Minister for Mayhem" of Brass Lamb

    Created Content

    • Toebee--limbstiched experimentation by Blackwave scientists now freed by the Penitients.
    Report Date
    07 Jul 2024
    Primary Location


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