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Short, stocky, and extremely hairy, Dwarves are the 4th most common peoples encountered in the known world, being just slightly less visible abroad than Elves . Dwarves reach maturity around 35 years old, and usually live between 150-200 years, though some exceptional individuals are said to reach 300 years old.  

Historical Origins

The Dwarves of Geada hail almost exclusively from their home in the Shieldlands of the Silvertine mountains. There is a commonly held belief that great nations of dwarves live in hidden underground kingdoms elsewhere in the world. However, all of the dwarves one encounters walking around under the open sky seem to trace their origin from the same geographic region. Dwarves tend to be insular and clannish, so those living outside the Shieldlands are usually found in close-knit enclaves within human lands.   Though they trade with humans regularly, the dwarves of the Shieldlands have a fractious relationship with the elves of Alfaen , as the elves have invaded the shieldlands on two occasions in an attempt to secure access to the Mithril mines of the Silvertine. The dwarves have jealously defended those mines for almost two millenia, for mithral exists nowhere else in the world, and mithral metalwork is their most precious export. The Dwarven calendar is dated from the year that Mithril was first discovered in the silvertine and the founding of the shieldland kingdom roughly 1900 years ago. Most of the cultures of the old world that trade with the Dwarves have adopted their calendar as a matter of convenience, because the Dwarves refuse to use any other reckoning.  

Traditional Culture

Dwarven culture is extremely conservative and is concerned primarily with maintaining old traditions and art forms. Every Dwarven settlement is structured around a guild or crafthall, and their work in stone and metal is highly sought after as the best in the world. The dwarves also profess themselves to be the greatest masters of brewing, clockwork, song, and war, though others dispute these claims.  

Religion and Faith

Dwarven religious practice is focused primarily on ancestor worship, and it is said by some that the tombs of their dead kings are more splendid than any of the halls of those living. Many dwarves are also focused on maintaining a sense of personal honor, and if they feel they have been wronged by anyone, they have a tradition of formally declaring a grudge against the offender. Many dwarves even keep handsomely bound books in which they record these grudges, which are sometimes read from at funerals and feasts. The greatest of Dwarven Ancestor Heroes is Harada, who they claim invented the art of the smith and forged the first axe. Harada is credited with many and various great deeds and unlikely adventures, and many of the stories surrounding him contradict each other.  


Most dwarves are of stout build and reach 48-58 inches in height. They usually have earthy, naturally colored hair and skin tones. Dwarven men all wear beards, sometimes elaborately styled or braided. Losing or damaging one's beard is considered a greeat mark of shame in the culture. Most dwarven women are also capable of growing beards if they wish, though not all of them do. Both men and women have been known to use hair extensions and facial wigs to achieve the desired look for their facial hair.
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