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The original island homeland of the Elves . They are historically a seafaring culture, and once had far-flung colonies before rise of men. A few of their outposts exist in far corners of the world, but their kingdom is mostly in decline. It is generally accepted that Alfaen history started approximately (or more exactly, if you believe in Alfaen reckoning of dates) 3500 years ago with the founding of Seabayhil , still the capital of the Empire to this day.   A great number of arts and technologies were developed and spread by the elves of Alfaen. Of these, the art of sailing is probably the greatest. Alfaen quickly outgrew its island home and by necessity developed the foundations of shipbuilding and navigation. Virtually all elven and human sailing technology is a direct descendant of these Alfaen techniques. The Alfaen Empire was the undisputed master of the seas and founded colonies far and wide and had them split off into independent nations long before Adastrica was formed. Even today, having lost most of its colonies, the Alfaen Empire is still a strong maritime nation boasting some of the fastest (if not the most powerful) ships on the seas.   Though not an overly pious people, Alfaen elves pay homage to an Elven Pantheon of nature spirits and demigod cultural heroes. However, their primary spiritual life is focused on the sea, either in the personage of the goddess Ge'An or by directly communing with the ocean itself. All Alfaen clerics spend some time studying at the Great Temple of the Ocean in Seabayhil.   Locations of Interest:   Seabayhil , capitol of the Alfaen Empire and the heart of Elven culture.   The Oak of Ishne, a great tree at the center of the home island.   The Star Citadel, a fortress at the northernmost tip of the home island.   The Mistwoods, a wild forest that is said to be haunted by fey creatures.   People of Interest:   The Emperor of all Seas, head of state.   The High Loremaster, generally regarded as the most accomplished Arcane caster in the empire and master of the Tower of High Sorcery   The Sea-Lord, master of the Alfaen fleet and overlord of it's armies.   Cultural Notes:   Elven Pantheon   Ge'An , Lady of the Waters   The Alfaen FLeet   See also:   Storm Elves   Undra

Endlessly Moving in the Moving Element.

Founding Date
Year of First Stars
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
The Isle of the First Folk
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
Legislative Body
The Conclave of the Wise
Related Ethnicities

Alfaen and Aquilon are trading partners, but not allies.

Articles under Alfaen


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