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Phar Shekem

Phar Shekem is the southern empire of Men. It is a vast and powerful empire, but culturally very diverse. This makes Phar-Shekem prone to internal squabbles and frequent power struggles. The dominant entity is the Caliphate of Shekem, but in truth the various constituent regions maintain a high degree of autonomy. Indeed, some of the more far-flung provinces are barely aware of the existence of the Caliphate despite technically falling under it's authority. The numerous tribes of the Phar Desert could pose a serious challenge to the Caliphate if they were ever to unite.  


There are several religious movements throughout the region. The Phar people traditionally practice ancestor-worship and have an extreme reverence for the dead, and their lands are dotted with many ancient tombs. However all across the empire there are many who ascribe the good and ill of the world to the interference of elemental spirits, and so they offer up prayers of appeal or appeasement to these entities as other cultures do with Saints. It is said that the most enlightened of the mystics can manipulate one or more of the elements of Fire, Air, Earth, and Water in spectacular fashion, and some can even summon up and converse with the elemental lords of the Djinn, gaining their favor so that they may serve or be served by them. Within all these practices is a strong thread of mysticism and gnosticism which expresses itself in the form of a multitude of sects that offer various paths to enlightenment and inner peace.   Phar-Shekem is also home to a large number of the wandering Selicari Priests. Their order is well respected in the realm, and the Caliph has issued edicts proclaiming that none in the empire should hinder them or detain them in any way.  

Major Settlements:

  The Capitol of Phar-Shekem is in Buraj Azhad, the “City of a Thousand Towers”. There the Caliph of Shekem rules from the famous Palace of the Sphinx. Buraj Azhad is also home to the Crystal Lighthouse of the Selicari, one of the greatest of the Selicari Wayshrines. The Harbor is watched over by Sekanda's Colossus, an immense statue of bronze and steel.   Other Settlements:
  • The Port of Lakra
  • Zin Azhad, home of the infamous Battle Bazaar
  • The Wandering Oasis of Abatuk in the Phar Desert
  • The city of Themis Nur which sits astride the River Tashwan, the so-called “River of Gold”.
  • The Temple City of Sekanda Gul, in the heart of the mountainous Khofiristan, home of the Khofiri people.
Other Points of Interest:
  • The Lost Pyramid of Imrahtep, home of the Black Scorpion of Phar.
  • The Frozen Spring of Akkadi
  • The Desert of Thud

Power in Tranquiility

Founding Date
1451 AD
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
The Caliphate, The Phar Desert
Phar Peoples, Shekemites
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities


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