BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Humans in all their infinite variety are by far the most common peoples in the known world. They can be found everywhere to some degree or other, pushing back the boundaries of the unknown and adapting to unusual environments. Humans reach maturity around age 16-18 and live between 70-100 years.   More than any other people, humans have a love of trade and exchange - not just of goods and services, but of culture as well. As a result, humans everywhere vary greatly in appearance and temprament, and there are no human settlements that are truly homogenous.   Though humans speak a wide variety of regional dialects, variations of the Common Tongue are spoken everywhere. Because of the human proclivity for exchange, Common has become the language of trade throughout the world. Most human cultures have adopted the Dwarven calendar for record keeping.   Humans follow a multitude of faiths and philosophies of all descriptions, but the most common religious traditions are the Church of Pelor , The Gods of Adastrica, and Elementalism.   Humans were the most numerous faction within the fallen empire of Adastrica.   The most powerful human hegemonies currently are the Empire of Aquilon and Phar Shekem.   Humans are also the primary inhabitants of the Island Kingdoms and the Colonial Lands.


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