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Seabayhil is the capital and birthplace of the Alfaen Empire; the Empire reckons its count of years starting with the founding of the capital 3509 years ago. A sprawling city near the coast, it consists of a number of discreet urban enclaves surrounded by forested lands and connected to each other by a series of rivers, lakes, and canals. The Great Bay Lagoon gives out upon the sea through a narrow channel, and is the home port of the Alfaen fleets.   Characteristic of traditional Alfaen settlements, Seabayhil consists of graceful stone towers interspersed with ancient trees, some of which are almost as tall. The effect from ground level is that of an ancient forest growing amongst fairytale castles and temples connected by wide avenues and water features..   Seabayhil boasts one of the finest deep harbors in the world. The entrance to the anchorage is a narrow channel protected by cliffs and fortifications, and navigating it is treacherous and requires special skill. It enters into Great Bay Lagoon, which is connected by the Grand Canal to the nearby Lake of Seven Waters. The north side of Great Bay Lagoon is the Green Anchorage and wharf area. The south side features the Homewood, where dwellings are built in the great trees themselves. In the cetner of the the Lagoon is the Sanctum Isle, home to the Shrine of Ishne. On the western end of the Lagoon, north of the canal that leads to the Lake of Seven Rivers, is the Great Temple of the Ocean. South of the canal is the Tower of the Sea Lords and the headquarters of the Alfaen Navy.   West of the Great Bay Lagoon is the slightly smaller Lake of Seven Waters, which is fed by several rivers and connected by canals to various other nearby lakes. It is the hub of all water-based transportation throughout the city. Starting at the Grand Canal and moving counter-clockwise around the lake, it is surrounded by the Great Temple of the Ocean, the Trade Canal (which extends towards the wharfs), the Arcadian Markets, which are fed by the Swan canal that leads to the Tower of High Magic, The Tealan River, The Conclave District (which contains the White Tower, the seat of Government), the River Flae, the Eld Village with a canal that leads to the Lake of Joy, the Builders Bay, and the Tower of the Sea Lords.   The hills north of Seabayhill are home to several ancient vinyards. Their product is not to the taste of all, but for those who have a taste for sour-sweet elven wines, there are few better.   Trivia:   “Seabayhil” translates roughly to “First home” in common; it has nothing to do with its proximity to the sea, its protected bay or the surrounding hills.

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