The Island Kingdoms Geographic Location in Geada | World Anvil
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The Island Kingdoms

The Island Kingdoms
A number of independent kingdoms of various sizes clinging to the shattered remains of what was once the Empire of Adastrica, now lost.
The Island Kingdoms are a number of independent settlements of various sizes clinging to the shattered remains of the Adastrican continent that was mostly destroyed by a cataclysm 250 years ago. Access to trade and exploitation of resources in the region have made it a scene for conflict between larger political entities like Alfaen and Aquilon. THough it is commonly thought that most of the major ruins of the old empire have been thoroughly scavanged already, the islands still draw treasure seekers and adventurers.   Delos is the largest of the Island Kingdoms, located in the west of the archipelago. It is famous as a place for art and music. The Delosians claim that their great capital was the only city of old Adastrica to survive the fall largely intact.   Beninnshan is all that remains of the great state of Inshan, which was a powerful province of Adastrica before the fall. The Island is littered with ruins and though it is of great interest to scholars and adventurers, the island has been overrun with Orcs for 20 years.   Celeanos is home to the Knights of Celeanos, a monastic order dedicated to preserving old knowledge and scholarship.   Alcazar is small volcanically active island that is home to a famous Oracle.   Damiel’s Freehold is a largely agrarian community where independence and individual freedom are highly valued, however it is widely considered to be a de facto protectorate of the Alfaen Empire.   Sunrock is the easternmost island. The Empire of Aquilon has established a small naval fortess there.   Venobella is a largely lawless island situated at the end of the storm-washed "Shattered Spine". There are a couple of small freeports here that are frequented by buccaneers and traders who are comfortable working with less savory merchants.   What was once a vast mountain range at the heart of Adastrica is now a series of rocky reefs, atolls, and monoliths known as the Shattered Spine. It is surrounded by storms and harsh currents that make direct navigation through the region impossible.


  • The Island Kingdoms
    A number of independent kingdoms of various sizes clinging to the shattered remains of what was once the Empire of Adastrica, now lost.
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