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The Thunderer

The Storm Goddess of northern Waldheim in the Empire of Aquilon .  The Thunderer, also called the Stormbringer, is an old war goddess from the days before the Empire. Her worship is tolerated by the state, as most of Waldheim has converted to the worship of Pelor . She is also worshipped among the Cozahrs as well. Her similarity to the Storm Elf depiction of Ge'An has led some to believe that she is a human version of the Elven goddess, but her followers vehemently deny this. Her connection to the particular locale where she is worshipped has caused some to draw parallels between her and the Lady of the Lake .   Her edicts are:
  • Peace through Strength.
  • Protect the weak.
  • Slay monsters.
  • Distrust wizardry.
Her religion is not highly organized, but her priests tend to be extremely boisterous and outspoken individuals, so her worship has a high visibility. In addition, she has an affiliated order of knights known as the Order of the Storm Hammer which protects Waldheim and has sworn fealty to the emperor.  All of her rites and festivals are conducted publicly and usually involve ingesting large quantities of mead, which adds to her popularity.   The Cozahrs also call her Jotenkiller, the Bane of Giants.   Her symbol is a hammer wreathed in lightning.   There have been occasional sightings of an individual calling themselves "The Herald of Storms" who claims to speak for her in the manner of a wandering prophet.
Divine Classification


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