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Vyones is the seat of government for the Province of Averlain in the Grand Duchy of Equitaine. It is ruled over by Jean-Louis, Archbishop of Vyones, and is the largest population center in the province. The city cathedral is halfway through a process of renovation, and in times past was one of the largest Grail Chapels in the whole of Equitaine.   The city's closest political conacts are with Moulins and La Frenaie, and via the river with Ximes. It is the primary center of trade in the province and the market at Vyones is Averlain's main connection to the thoutside world, via the northern road. This lifeline out of the province is heavily patrolled.   Vyones has a stout wall around the entire city and the bridge over the nearby river Isoile is fortified.   The City of Vyones is divided into several neighborhoods:   Cathedral Square The Central Hub of the city. Features a fountain, a large gathering space, some common shops, and some street peddlers. 7-12 guards present during the day, 2-8 at night. The homes here are nice but not grand.
  • The Cathedral at Vyones
  • The Lady's Rest Inn
  • The Bourse
  La Tour The area around the main gate where the Bastion is. Mostly craftsmen and industry around here. There is a small Exercize yard where the guards practice when it is not being used to store goods from incoming caravans. 7-12 Guards present all the time around the Bastion at all times, and there are barracks for 50.
  • The Bastion (Guard Post)
  • The Smith's Road
  • Cooper's Alley
  Les Halles The central trade market for the city. Lots of fresh produce and livestock is traded here. There are grocers, butchers, bakers, and a few people practicing trades like chandlers and pottery. 2-12 Guards present at all times.
  • The Grand Market
  • Inn of the Weeping Willow
  • The Marble Mortar (Alchemist Gaspard du Nord)
  The South Bank Wealthier neighborhood south of the river. The homes here are old and some of them are grand. The city's only park is here, as well as the theater, which is near the main bridge over the Isoile. 2-8 guards here during the day, 2-5 at night.
  • The Fleur de Lys Theater
  • Jardin de Vieux Arbres
  • Mal Maison
  The Boatswains The area near the river where the barges load and unload. Numerous warehouses and workers. The area is somewhat uncouth. 2-8 Guards here during the day, 1-3 at night.
  • The Vulgar Unicorn Tavern
  • The City Docks
  • Carpenters' Row
  La Corbeille The large district at the downriver end of town, mostly poor families and run down shops and businesses. The people in this neighborhood don;t go out at night and avoid traveling alone. Nobody goes near the old abandoned wheelhouse. 7-12 guards here during the day, 2-6 at night.
  • The Wheelhouse
  • The Ratcatcher
  • Sister Fatima
  The Arrondisment (outside the walls) The city is surrounded by farms, but the nearby cemetary is quite large and has a haunted look from the numerous mausoleums present.
  • The Cemetary Pere Lachaise
  • The Bishop's Orchard
  The Sewers The sewers are relatively extensive for such a small city. Nobody seems to know who's in charge of the sewers, but somebody must be - they run well enough.     Notable People
  • Jean-Louis, Archbishop of Vyones
  • Brother Dreyfus
  • Sister Elaine
  • Agravaine, Castellan of Vyones
  • Gaspard du Nord, Alchemist
  • The Ratcather (Marie)
  • Gillaume the Builder (In Carpenter's Row)
  • Armand the Sly (Lady's Rest Inn)
  • Herman the Moneylender (The Bourse)
  • Helga Heldenhammer (Dwarf, The Smith's Row)
  • Alain the Cooper (Cooper's Alley)
  • Gaumont the Grocer (Grand Market)
  • Zibignew the Fishmonger (Gnome in the Grand Market, Lives on the South Bank)
  • Francoise the Game (Innkeeper at the Weeping Willow)
  • Joseph Tallyrand the Actor (At the Fleur De Lys Theater)
  • Murat the Musician (Theater)
  • Madame DeGrasse (Old woman who sits in the Jardin)
  • Auguste Dupin (Trader, Current owner of MalMasion)
  • Lastel One-Thumb (Innkeep at the Vulgar Unicorn)
  • Lythande (Elf, regular at the Vulgar Unicorn, maybe he knows something?)
  • Hugo the Bargeman (City Docks)
  • Sister Fatima (Fortune Teller in the Corbeille)
  • Kristof the Gravedigger (Pere Lachaise)
  • Noe the Gamekeeper (Orchard)

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