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Jean-Louis, Archbishop of Vyones

His Grace, the Archbishop of Vyones Jean Louis Abelourde

The Archbishop of Vyones is a harried and sour man, constantly annoyed that Averlain refuses to settle down into a productive province and put aside the rank mysticism of the past. He administers the province from the Cathedral a Vyones, however the reach of his actual power does not extand much beyond Moulins and La Frenaie. The river connection to Ximes allows him to have slightly greater influence there than he does elsewhere in the province.   Jean-Louis is very thin and drawn. He wears a simple cassock and chasuble emblazoned with the Symbol of Pelor, with his holy Symbol on a chain of office hanging from his neck. He generally eschews finery and prefers and ascetic lifestyle.


Religious Views

Follower of Pelor

Lawful Neutral
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations


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