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beir ciúg

A warlike kingdom on a northern island.

Public Agenda

Very warlike, and focused on honor.


The nation was founded when fain íbhé I sailed from the Human nation, and founded the kingdom. their populaton had steadily grown since. They started raiding coasts all around the northern continent around this time. they also adopted the religion of gü dü. they stopped raiding after a while but still do it every once in a while. this is referred to as the good old days in Beir ciúg, and the bad old days for the surrounding nations. it has largely stayed the same since.

Demography and Population

around 200,000 people live in beir ciúg, mostly Human.


just the island of beir ciúg.


36,450 soldiers. there are 28,000 infantry, 4,000 archers, 5 siege weapons, 200 engineirs, 100 healers, 50 scouts, 100 mages, 500 commanders, 3,500 sailors, and 70 longships.

Technological Level



The main religion is gü dü, though they have a diffrent sect than gü schpoh klanndt. In their sect, there is also a patron god of humans, the god of honor and fame, sao lim.

Foreign Relations

not very good, as they are warlike.

Trade & Transport

they do not trade, they just raid.


not very good.

sá nnod!

Founding Date
30 AR
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Barter system
Major Exports
Major Imports
if you count stealing as importing, than they have imported grain, gold, and slaves.
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


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