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Humans are a versitle race that live in the north.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

very smart.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

scúthathruag ciúg, the isle, the dutchy of uoble, gleimhésol, crias sol, las sol, cast chia, ul ciúg, pid cheidu, ma imh dang, las stámua lóth, beir ciúg.

Average Technological Level

pretty good

Major Language Groups and Dialects


three human kingdoms were founded in 2 AR. these were the ethnicities of Middle Human, North Human, and scúthathruagner. the Middle Human kingdom split in the Middle Human civil war (29 AR to 31 AR). three kingdoms emerged at the end (which were las sol, crias sol, and gleimhésol). during the civil war a human named fain íbhé I sailed away and founded the kingdom of beir ciúg. the scúthathruagner split into two kingdoms in 37 AR because of a peacful vote.

Historical Figures

fain íbhé I.
90 years
Average Height
4′7″‒6′1″ (1.4‒1.9 m)
Average Weight
89‒245 lb (40‒111 kg)
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Pale to dark brown.
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations


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