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Dwarves are shorter than and elf or human, but taller than a halfling of gnome. even the women can grow beards.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

they have long, beards that even the females can grow.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

mostly in the dwarven kingdoms of chas liacte buom, pudegitru, the dwarven empire, puarme buon, and the kingdom of the islands, although some live in the kingdom of the flying eagle and the ginvo federation.

Average Intelligence

very smart.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

chas liacte buom, pudegitru, the dwarven empire, puarme buon, and the kingdom of the islands.

Average Technological Level

pretty good.

Major Language Groups and Dialects


The dwarven kingdom was founded in 2 AR. In 350 AR the green kingdom (a kingdom of elves) under speargreat II invaded the dwarves. they entirely conquered or vassilized the dwarves in 360 AR. In 400 AR the Dwarves rebelled but couldn't agree on who was the leader, so each province elected its own and became an independent nation. they have remained peaceful ever since.
200 years
Average Height
4 – 5 ft (1.2 – 1.5 m)
Average Weight
150 lb (68 kg)
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Pale to dark brown.
Related Organizations
Related Ethnicities


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