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Additional Information

Facial characteristics


Geographic Origin and Distribution

In the grung kingdoms on the norther continent.

Average Intelligence

very smart.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

sinsquifuo buom, the kingdom of venoozedreozedre beiememy, lo buon, and jonbre buon.

Average Technological Level


Major Language Groups and Dialects


the grung kingdom of venoozedreozedre beiememy was founded in 1 AR. 4 years later in 5 AR the kingdom of jonbre buon was founded. they had several wars, and the latest one in 13 speargreat's 379 AR to 26 sun 394 AR fractured venoozedreozedre beiememy and made several breakaway states, the kingdoms of sinsquifuo buom and lo buon. a plauge as also recently taken the grung kingdoms, but otherwise nothing has happened.
Up to 50 Years
Average Height
2.5‒3.5 ft (0.76‒1.1 m)
Average Weight
30 lb (14 kg)
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their skin is Green, Blue, Purple, Red, Orange, or Gold.
Related Organizations
Related Ethnicities


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