
Once scientists, these people have consumed or been exposed to enough raw Aether to be transformed beyond their mortal coils and flesh. They are beings of raw, wild, and uncontrolled magic. Their skin is cracked and rocky, with raw energy seeping from the crevices of their being. Due to their unique physiology, Aetherites do not need to eat, drink, sleep, or breathe. Not much is known about what they want, and they are regarded with suspicion and fear in the mortal cities of Ayr.
  Aetherites are naturally immune to the effects of both Aether Storms and the Grim Procession. However, it is still possible for them to become consumed by Aether if not careful, and be lost forever as they transform into starving Aether Zombies. Because of their natural affinity to Aether, they find it much easier to perform magic and cast spells than the other races of Gemini, and can also store SEUs (See Aether Coins and Aether) directly in their bodies. Aetherites have class restrictions *.  

As a Playable Race:

Aetherites are a playable race. You can find their stat blocks here: Aetherite   * (see Race, Class, and Origin Restrictions)