Race, Class, and Origin Restrictions

While I don't want to be too restrictive on stuff, some combinations of race/subrace, origin, inheritance etc just don't work together in the world design. Hopefully you will find something you're excited to play and this doesn't feel too annoying. I tried to link back to here if something has a restriction, and will list all known restrictions below:  
  1. Dragonborn Ancestry is restricted to either White or Rock as your DNA was derived from either Glacia or Saxum. Rock uses the stats of Black, but the Damage Type (both for breath and resistances) is Bludgeoning, as your breath weapon is boulders, rocks, and debris
  2. Auyver Pilots must be Phoenix Residents
  3. Aetherites must be a full caster magic user (Bard, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard). You can multiclass into other stuff, but you need at least 1 level in a full caster class and have access to 1st level spells
  4. New Eden Residents cannot be Aetherites, as none exist in the city
  5. Krey Slavers must be Kreyaran, as Krey natives are exceedingly racist and elitist (you can be a Krey ishtik and pick a different origin, only the origin itself is race restricted)
  6. Erian Traders cannot be Novan. While Erians will accept most anyone based on their merit (even Krey), the Erians and Novans hate eachother