Dark Entity

In 78 BE, scientists from Hyperion detected a power surge from the Dark Tower. They sent an armed expedition to investigate. No one returned. What did return was an entity. One that would terrorize the continent of Ayr for the next 400 years. Very little is known about this being. Most who encounter it are found dead, or worse, turned into Aether Zombies that attack with speed and coordination not normally seen from the normally mindless creatures. Legends, superstitions, and fear prevail through the various settlements on Ayr. The Dark Entity is what you tell children will take them in the night if they don't behave. Some say it caused the Grim Procession. Others claim to have seen it controlling and coordinating Aether Zombies. Some say it is an angry God. Others a malevolent extraterrestrial. Still others, a rogue AI left behind by some precursor race. The only surety is that, if you actually witness it firsthand, you are already dead.