Hermes SFOV

Captain’s Log: Hikaru Icarus
Stardate: 2907.08
Planet: Gemini
Lander Ship - The Hermes
  “Captain’s log, stardate twenty-nine oh seven, point oh eight. The Hermes has exited Slipspace in the Olympus system. Initial scans of target orbiting body Codename: Gemini, indicates higher levels of electromagnetic interference than originally theorized using data from long range scans. Planet also appears to be tidally locked with parent star Olympus. This conflicts with initial observations from early remote data analysis, circa twenty-eight seventy three. This is highly unusual. Has the planet’s rotation stalemated with Olympus in just thirty years?”   The Hermes Scientific Forward Operating Vehicle (SFOV) was a scientic vessel that departed the Sol system on Stardate 2877.04. 30 years later, the ship arrived in the Olympus system, using an experimental Time Dilation DRIVE (TDD) developed by the Sobaseki corporation. The SFOV consisted of the primary module, which maintained geostationary orbit above Ayr until the events of The Great Exodus, and 2 lander units, 1 of which was used to land at the primary Kronos landing site. During the events of The Great Exodus, the scientist now known as Icarus the Betrayer took control of the Hermes lander in Kronos city and together with a faction of the remaining scientists, used it to take off from the city in an attempt to escape the planet. With the lander having long been integrated with the city's power grid, the resulting surge overloaded the already unstable Quantum Fusion Reactor in Kronos, massively irradiating the city and creating a beacon of energy that attracted Aether Zombies from the surroundling lands and caused most of the city to become uninhabitable.   18 hours after the lander's departrue, contact with the Hermes ceased and the primary ship dissapeared from orbit. It's ultimate fate is unknown...