
Landing site Kronos was the chosen landing zone of the scientists when they first arrived on Gemini. Over time, the area became a bustling city with sprawling districts and massive walls. Refraction shields covered the entire city, blocking much of the heat and radiation of Olympus and allowing the citizens to roam the streets and parks freely without protective equipment. The city enjoyed about half a century of growth and technological superiority, until around 78 BE (Stardate 2967).   All of a sudden, a Dark Entity awoke in the Southern reaches of the continent. Stories passed down from this era claiming that a large, dark and imposing presence shrouded in mist hovered menacingly above Kronos, right before the first ever Aether Storm rolled over the city walls. The storm had devastating effects, as a strange interaction with the Refraction shields seemed to amplify the magnitude of the storm, causing explosions and tempests across the city. Most of the city's population were turned into Aether Zombies that day. 75% of the city was destroyed and subsequently overrun by it's former citizens.   A miltech corporation called GuardianCorp, along with the local battlebot team The Phoenixbots, banded together and, ignoring what remained of local law enforcement, saved as many citizens as they could and retreated to the Eastern edge of the city. Today, the descendents of those indivuals now live in Phoenix City, a small and heavily defended military city-state. The rest of Kronos is now collectively known as the Lost Sector, and is overrun with hoards of Aether Zombies attracted to the overloaded Quantum Fusion Reactor in the center of the city, which puts out constant radiation and acts as a beacon for the mana-starved creatures.