
The Underlands are a huge underground cave system that, so far as anyone can tell, spans the entire continent of Ayr. Cave systems that seemed to descend into the depths of the land were first discovered somewhat near the Dark Forest, and later in other locations around the continent. In the current era, the primary means of entering or exiting the Underlands is in New Hyperion, as many passageways were exposed when the light side of Ayr rose up 100ft and created a cliff splitting the continent. The Tortan people originate from the Underlands. It is very warm and humid underground, even on the dark side of Ayr, with steaming hot pools, bioluminescent fungi, and pits full of molten lava. The Underlands are considered to be a very dangerous place, and most people avoid the caves entirely. Depth scans from the early days in the Age of Discovery noted that the cave systems were surprisingly deep, and descended for possible miles into the planet's upper crust. The demigod Tartarus is said to have descended into the depths of the Underlands, from where his worshippers say he punishes the souls of departed wicked individuals...