
The Tortans are a hardy bunch of turtle humanoids originating from the Underlands. They have a hard, shell-like natural armor carapace that protects them from the dangers of Gemini. Most Tortans prefer to live underground, with most of the population only emerging into locations or cities adjacent to tunnel systems, such as New Hyperion. Tortans are amphibious and naturally resistant to the extreme heats. However, being cold blooded, they do not do very well in the cold or freezing climates. Most of them have a playful and child-like sense of humor, and it takes alot to upset or sadden them. While Tortans do have their own language, they have no problem speaking Common (unlike their Froakie cousins). Tortans are extremely loyal to friend and family, and are generally good aligned.
  There is a legend that 4 Tortan heroes helped found New Hyperion, and then their spirits returned many years later to defeat the alien Krang. These histories are cherished by the Tortan people, who will take offense with anyone claiming the stories to be merely myths  

As a Playable Race:

Tortans are a playable race. You can find their stat blocks here: Tortan