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Clan Stoneshield

Clan Stoneshield is a dwarven clan that resides in Drahill in the province of Ashana in the Valian Domain of Tranol since before the founding of the kingdom. It is said to be one of the six original dwarven clans in Gendos.   The clan is led by its Thane in most matters but the chief priest of Dumathoin also carries a great deal of authority in the clan.   The clan has extensive silver mines and iron mines that they still work.     The dwarves have made ingenious traps to keep intruders away from their holdings and are highly adept at concealing their entrances. Many believe the entrance to the mine is located in Dwarven Keep at Drahill.   For the most part, Clan Stoneshields was based in Drahill. They also have outposts such as Shalmar, Risswaind, Sol bard, Wiss'gari and Whynthale.     The Stoneshield dwarves were famed for their craftsmanship of silver and jewels and had reputedly crafted a piece of such quality that it caused a dispute between them and the Horn Clan.     In the early history of Drahill, the dwarves had a fine relationship with the humans that settled the small trading post near the mountains until a king of Tranol wanted them to bend the knee. The King desired the riches from the mountains for himself. They fell into a great dispute with the tyrannical mage-King Colderan. The King tried to drive the dwarves from their ancient home but failed repeatedly. Over time the king's lords become discontent and angry over the King's desire for the mines. They believed the price was to high and the kingdom suffered. The lords had the royal family assassinated and a great civil war erupted over the throne. The Stoneshield dwarves barricaded themselves inside their mountain holds and refused to take part. After thirty years they reemerged and found the surface devastated by war. The people of the Ashana province begged the Thane for food and protection in return they would make him Arch Duke of the province.   The Stoneshield dwarves came to an arrangement with the wizard Anathar, who wished to build a tower where the later Anathar's Hall was situated. Although Anathar and his tower fell at some point later on, the families that came to make their home there during Anathar's time still considered the dwarves allies. At some point, a wizard named Anathar came to the southern holdings of the Stoneshields. He made them an offer to protect their mines and bring them food in exchange for allowing him to build a tower and start a farm.
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