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Nasher Alagondar

Lord of Tabar


Lord Nasher Alagondar was the fearless former adventurer and ruler of Tabar who held his city firmly in the Guilds' Alliance. He was also the "founder" of the Alagondar royal family. Brave in the face of his enemies but affable when among his people, Nasher was noted for his steadfast opposition against orcs of the North. He had a great love of music and hearing tales of faraway lands. Nasher had collected numerous magic items during his adventuring career and was noted for wearing a ring of the ram, a potent ring of protection, and a belt of regeneration (which worked much like a ring of regeneration). He was equipped with some powerful weapons in the form of a mace of disruption and a frostbrand longsword. Lord Nasher was always accompanied by his bodyguards, the Tabar Nine, to whom he gave many magic items from his adventuring days. Nasher once had a wife and had at least two children, Bann Alagondar and Vers Never. According to some records, Vers was said to be his bastard son. As the ruler of Tabar, Nasher was responsible for laying many plots and magical contingencies against assaults fromlands to the north, even going so far as banning maps of the city being made in order to throw off the spies and their potential invasion plans.   During his younger years, Nasher adventured extensively for around ten years and garnered a great trove of magical items. During those adventuring days, its was common knowledge that Nasher once slew a minotaur. Around 1329 DR, Nasher Alagondar became ruler of the city of Tabar.
Lawful Good
Current Location
Dark Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Leather tan
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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